Poetry from Joan Beebe

A Free Spirit
I watch the birds flying free in the sky
And I think to myself I want to fly with them.
They are free to wander wherever they might
And their freedom stirs a longing in me —
To join them in their journey and they know the way
Where there is beauty and safety for them to enjoy.
As I keep watching those birds in their flight,
My longing increases and my spirit joins them in
Their canopy of song filling the air with their joy.

Star Gazing  
It is a warm summer night,
The moon is dark
But a gentle breeze is blowing,
Looking up at the sky, there are many
Stars bringing their twinkling glow
Crossing the sky in a seemingly endless
Wave of beauty across the firmament.
It is a night for dreaming of years gone past,
And treasuring those years while
Star gazing under a moonless night.

Night of Mystery
Night falls and the shadows begin,
There is a different sense of time
When you are sharing this night of wonder.
 The moon is bright and illuminates  
The night with its brilliance.
Still, the shadows beguile you with their
Mysterious shapes that seem to blend
Into this dark night.
Suddenly you hear strange sounds
And your heart beats a little faster.
The wind blowing through the trees
Seems to echo all around you.
There are sounds of the night animals
Searching for food.
You watch and you wait,
But the sounds die away –
You hurry home where
You ponder this night of mystery.

People took time to enjoy the gifts this world provides
To be able to stop rushing here and there so that
Tiredness is always a part of them.
To take more time with family, especially the little ones who
Need so much care and affection.
They could have a garden full of flowers to remind one that
There is beauty for us to sweeten our day
People could took time to relax and end their day
On a summer’s night breathing in the scented air

And perhaps see a shooting star.

Nations could stop the bitterness and

Hatred of each other so the world
Could finally have the peace among all
As it was always intended and that everyone
May share a life that is full without fear.

Yesterday’s Shadows
Yesterday is now only a shadow
And those days are now in our memories.
They linger in our minds as we recall —
Some of those days will make us happy
While others will be shadows of sadness.
We look to the future when new days begin.
Will they be of happiness or sadness —
We cannot know but our hope stays with us as
Those shadow days pass again into our memories.