Poetry from Walter Shulits

Homo Erectus Lives in Texas also published in Alternate Route (With apologies for any Texas-sized alternative truths…) Texas is the nexus of the issues that vex us…content to perplex us, sucker punch our solar plexus, threaten the values that connect … Continue reading

Poetry from Wayne Russell

Lady Ice  Keeping me in the dark, emotionsfail, a terminus point reached, andsubcontinent trivial murmur. The poet glides as stealth, throughthe catacombs, subterranean byno fault; relic dawn and fading haze. Mysterious union, mirrored souls,dancing upon the lake of a forbiddenrealm. … Continue reading

Story from Simon Christiansen

These Eternal Works so Wondrous Fall 1787 Niels stopped in the street of Nybrogade, Copenhagen, the baroque, yellow, three-story House of Assistance dominating his field of view. A former noble mansion now converted into a towering public pawnbroker. He could … Continue reading