Poetry from Joan Beebe



Why is there an unfulfilled longing that tortures our soul? 

Day and night it saddens our heart and we become wistful

And we dream.

We don’t understand this mystifying feeling.

The ache we feel seems to take hold of every part of our being —

we are overwhelmed by this persistent longing and become almost

Helpless in this prison of mindless depression.

 Once we face the terrible results of this feeling that we are lost in a world of darkness,

We reach out to the healing rays of light and peace.

 We start our journey toward the sun.

3 thoughts on “Poetry from Joan Beebe

  1. Pingback: December’s Synchronized Chaos Issue: Level Up! – SYNCHRONIZED CHAOS.

  2. joan i am so impressed with your poem. you’re so right; there is something-that grips-something, can’t define it; some kind of longing, not know what it is. could it be yearning to live in a world of complete peace? where people really care about each other? could it be the yearning for people to love each other and to realize that love is the most important thing? that we really are all one? i am blown away with gratitude that you wrote this and captured the feeling so elequently! thank you trillions!

  3. To my anonymous friend,

    Thank you, thank you for your most wonderful comments regarding my poem “Longing”. I am so grateful because these words encourage me to keep on going. I am humbled by your praise.


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