
Cristina Deptula, Executive Editor

Davis, CA, USA

Ph: 510-589-8252

(please direct submissions and inquiries here)

Kahlil Crawford – Arts & Culture Editor

Raleigh, NC, USA

Elizabeth Hughes, Book Review Columnist

San Jose, CA, USA

Maftuna Yusupboyeva, Local Coordinator, Uzbekistan

Azimjon Toshpulatov

Muslima Murodova

Teen Central Asian girl with dark hair and brown eyes.

Zuhra Rozmetova, Local Coordinator, Uzbekistan

Quvonchbek Baratov, Local Coordinator, Uzbekistan

Past editorial staff we thank for their contributions:

Jaylan Salah – freelance writer, poet, feminist, democracy supporter, and pharmacist from Alexandria, EGYPT

Leena Prasad – columnist and reviewer from San Francisco, California, USA

J’Rie Elliott – associate editor and reviewer from Alabama, USA

Michaela Elias – writer, musician, and journalist from New Jersey, USA

Megan Guernsey – writer, poet, and lawyer from Missouri & California, USA

Michael Widman – engineer, poet, and writer from San Jose, California, USA

Rhiannon Cox – author, anime and movie and kitten lover, and photographer from Indiana, USA

Frances Varian – writer, slam poet, performance artist, and activist from Durham, North Carolina, USA

Kelly Styron – writer, visual artist, and autistic and activist from Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA

Kristie Meyer – writer, visual artist, and educator from San Rafael and Santa Cruz, California, USA

Michael Schauf – cynic, dark optimist, and mercenary for hire from Saratoga, California, USA

Tapati McDaniels – writer and activist from San Francisco Bay Area, California, USA

Bruce Roberts  – author, teacher, sculptor, and winner of the 2010 Hayward Poetry Slam, California USA

Synchronized Chaos actively seeks global interns to assist with article writing, film/book/music reviewing, publicity, outreach, graphic design, web maintenance, and other professional functions. If interested, please email our Executive Editor, Cristina Deptula, at with “Synchronized Chaos Internship” in the subject line.


Cain after Murdering Abel or The French Contemplate the Universe