Day at the Farmer’s Market – vignette from Patsy Ledbetter


I went to the Farmer’s Market one Saturday, deliriously happy that we had a break in the rain, and that the sun and the clouds were high overhead. I was sampling the cheese when she passed me….A lady in a wheelchair, without a leg.

“Lord have mercy,” I whispered, and prayed I would have a chance to meet her and tell her I would pray. As I rounded a corner and then stopped by the kettle corn vendor, there she was. She was right in front of me. Her name was Linda, she was missing one of her arms and one of her legs and she had a motorized wheelchair. Her other arm was burned as if she had been in a fire.

I prayed and asked her a few questions about herself. She stays at a county hospital. She has a roommate. I told her to have a good day and that I would be praying for her. As I walked away, I do what I always do. I cried and aked the Lord to please take this burden from me, for it was too much to bear.

Then I heard his still, small voice….”I know all about it,” He seemed to say. I knew the matter was ended and I could leave it in His all-powerful hands. We have so much and others often have so little, yet if they have the creator of the universe on their side, there is no limit as to what can be done in and through them.

Patsy Ledbetter may be reached at and is also a classically trained violinist!