Emprise Review seeks non-fiction submissions


Emprise Review is looking for Non-Fiction submissions in three categories

1. Book reviews–Texts from any period but contemporary works in particular. 500-1000 word reviews that focus primarily on the text itself and make use of the reviewer’s opinion.

2. Film reviews–300- 1000 word reviews are preferable, as well as reviews that focus on the film and make use of the reviewer’s opinion.

3. Lists–Use your creativity as there are few rules, though in general we’d prefer lists that don’t go into the hundreds or thousands.

Works selected for publication will be featured on the front page/blogging portion of the website and would be seen by the majority of our visitors. Not only are we looking for submissions in the non-fiction category, we are also in search of some regular non-fiction contributors or bloggers to help bolster the critical portion of our website. Visit our non-fiction guidelines for further details.

Furthermore, as always, Emprise Review is open for submissions in original poetry and non-fiction. Please visit our Submit page for further details regarding our submission guidelines. You can also visit our magazine to read some of our previously published content to get some idea of what we’ve selected in the past, though don’t feel limited by our previous selections, we are always in search of new voices, modes, and genres.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact Patrick McAllaster, at <pmcalla(at) gmail.com> (replace (at) with @)