Christmas Pageant Observations – Patsy Ledbetter


They’ll see the dazzle

They’ll see the lights…

They’ll see the dancers

Dressed in tights.


They won’t know the hours…

Of trial and prayer…

The long wait for winter…

They won’t give a care.


They’ll hear the singers…

And see the sets…

Moved by the music

And actors they’ve met.


Yet the persecution

they’ll never feel…

The fight for victory

All too real.


They will see a baby…

It’s all about Him

An angel, a Savior

As lights grow dim


They’ll walk away silent…

When heaven invades earth…

Their souls a flame with

A brand new birth.


Patsy Ledbetter


Editor’s Note: Ms. Ledbetter is a classically trained musician who plays together with her husband in the orchestra of Broadway-style productions. Many full-scale Christmas pageants begin rehearsals in September and the cast and crew begin to consider the meaning of the holidays around early fall, as this poem conveys.


Patsy Ledbetter may be reached at