Essay from Oydinova Malika

Young Central Asian woman with long straight dark hair, brown eyes, a white and black checkered coat over a black blouse.
Oydinova Malika
Annotation: This article discusses difficulties in learning foreign languages and solutions to avoid this problems.
Key words: learning process, problem, grammatical difficulties, teaching, learning, foreign language.

Today, it is very important for everyone to know foreign languages. The world is becoming more and more globalized, and knowing two or more languages is not just a hobby, but a need of the hour. Of course, everyone wants to achieve a certain goal by doing something. Along with this, new language learners who start learning English, French, German or any other Eastern languages aim to achieve a certain goal and result by learning these languages. Unfortunately, some language learners make mistakes at this step and face a number of difficulties later in the language learning process.

However, learning foreign languages is a more responsible and complex process. Difficulties in learning foreign languages are observed not only in young children and schoolchildren, but also in older learners and university students. It is known that English and Uzbek languages belong to different families, and language learners face phonetic, lexical and grammatical difficulties. Including:

- Almost all students have difficulty learning the sounds [th] and [ð]. The reason for this is the lack of interdental sounds in the Uzbek language. Our language has not developed the skills to pronounce these sounds.

- Since the English pronunciation of the sound [r] is different from the Uzbek r, students also have difficulty in pronouncing this sound.
- The pronunciation of the sounds [t, d] is also not the same in both languages. Therefore, their pronunciation is difficult for some young people.

- [w] sound does not exist in Uzbek either. They also have some difficulty in pronouncing this sound correctly. When pronouncing it, they confuse it with [v] in Uzbek language.

In order to teach the correct pronunciation of the above-mentioned sounds, the teacher should clearly explain to the children the location of the tongue as much as possible, check it regularly through repetition exercises, and pay special attention to the students' pronunciation in each lesson. difficulties in sounds are also eliminated.

It also creates phonetic difficulties in the following cases:
- the letter e is not pronounced at the end of the word — apple, Pete;
- the letter combination gh cannot be read in the middle of a word — eight, night;
- the letter k is not pronounced before n at the beginning of the word — knock, knee and a number of other difficulties can be observed.

The difficulty characteristic of the majority of Uzbek students is that they add the sound [Ə] before the suffixes in their pronunciation when adding plural or tense adverbs: books [bu'kƏs], happened [hæpƏ 'nĀd]. Apparently, by adding such an unnecessary sound, they are also changing the position of the word stress. Not being able to read the transcription is a particular problem. It is necessary to teach the correct pronunciation of words and symbols representing sounds.

When it comes to grammatical difficulties in teaching English, it is safe to say that many difficulties can be encountered. If a person knows all the words in the language, but does not know the connections between sentences and words, he will have difficulty understanding the content of the speech. That's why learning grammar is so important. If he does not have good grammar skills, he will not be able to express his opinion properly. Difficulty in speaking, writing and translating.

-Article problem. This is arguably the biggest challenge in learning grammar. When we talk to many English language learners, almost all of them say that the most difficult part of learning English grammar is the articles and tenses. In fact, since the Uzbek language does not have an article word group, it is difficult to use and translate it.
Article rules should be memorized. However, the many exceptions to the rules make learning difficult for learners. If the translation is taught more precisely, they will not have much difficulty in using the article. For example, it is possible to teach that the indefinite article is translated as one, some kind of one, and the definite article is translated as that, yet.

-Another difficulty in mastering English grammar is prepositions. In the Uzbek language, prepositions are expressed by agreement suffixes. In English, conjugations are expressed through prepositions. For example, the place-time agreement in Uzbek can be expressed in English with the prepositions in, on, at. For example:

in - in January, in 2015, in a week
on - on Monday, on January 15, on birthday
at - at the weekend, at 10 o'clock

As for the lexical difficulties in teaching English, they are as follows:
-Almost all words in the English language have different meanings. That is, one word means more than one. According to M. Norova, one word in English has a maximum of 23 meanings.

-The fact that a certain part of the vocabulary of the English language came from other languages;
-The wealth of idioms of the English language and several others.
In addition, students do not and cannot always follow the rules learned in the training. After the lessons, they do not try to learn new words by practicing pronunciation and writing essays. It is no secret that one of the biggest disadvantages is that when mistakes are corrected, students often think, "This is not my language." This has a negative impact on learning a foreign language.

Excessive use of the mother tongue in the audience:
Learners learn another language best when they are forced to use it. The teacher should require students to communicate in the language being studied. Only in this case, the level of achievement in language learning and fluency in pronunciation will increase. Learning a foreign language will be successful only if it is strictly required and restrictions are imposed during the lesson.

Dependence of students on the teacher:
Independent work on oneself, independent problem solving and research serve to master any subject well. The fact that the student turns to the teacher for every small problem indicates his dependence. This reduces the student's ability to work on himself.

A number of ways can be listed as a solution. The problem is that independently watching foreign language films and videos adapted to language teaching serves as a bridge, at least partially.

In conclusion, as every job has its own difficulties and hardships, there are many problems in learning foreign languages, but there are ways to overcome them. All this is done through the curiosity of the learners and their serious approach to the work they have started, and their further research.

Oydinova Malika student of
Uzbekistan State World Languages University of
English faculty of Foreign Languages and literature

Story from Makhfiratkhon Abdurakhmonova

Young Central Asian woman from the back. She's picking a blooming dandelion flower from a lawn and has a pink headscarf and a blue skirt and a white patterned top.
Makhfiratkhon Abdurakhmonova

Never Lose Hope: The Inspiring Story of a Cancer Survivor

Emily was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer at the young age of 28. Her world came crashing down as she heard the news from her doctor. She had always been a health-conscious person and this news shattered her completely.

The first few weeks were tough, Emily underwent multiple surgeries and chemotherapy sessions. But as time passed, her condition started to deteriorate, and she started to lose hope. She felt like giving up on life altogether.

One day, while lying in bed feeling helpless and hopeless, Emily stumbled upon a quote that said, "Never lose hope, miracles happen every day." These words struck a chord with her and she decided to hold on to hope.

Despite being weak, Emily started going for walks every morning. She would take each day as it came and tried to stay positive amidst all the chaos. Slowly but surely, her condition started improving.

After months of treatment and perseverance, Emily was declared cancer-free! Her journey wasn't easy but she never lost hope. Her story is an inspiration for all those who are going through tough times.

Even when life seems unbearable and everything feels like it's falling apart, remember to never lose hope. Remember that miracles can happen every day if you hold on tightly enough. Keep moving forward one step at a time because you never know what tomorrow may bring!

Author: Makhfiratkhon Abdurakhmonova from Uzbekistan 🇺🇿 

Makhfiratkhon Abdurakhmonova, born in 2004 in Uzbekistan, is a remarkable individual with an impressive list of achievements. She has been an International teacher of English for four years and holds various language certifications, including CEFR (UZB)-C1, International ESOL-B2, SAYLOR ACADEMY-C1, and EFSET-C2.

Makhfiratkhon is also a holder of over 70 international certificates and is a member of approximately 35 international organizations. She has completed more than 65 paid courses from international universities and has earned the prestigious IBM $1200 badge. Notably, she completed Arizona State University’s 150-hour TESOL certificate course.

Her academic excellence has led to acceptance into esteemed universities such as North Texas University, Barry University, and St. Johns University. Makhfiratkhon is the recipient of the University Incentive Scholarship.

Aside from her academic pursuits, Makhfiratkhon is a founder of several projects and has participated in around 50 international conferences. She has translated several books and served as a delegate for Asia World Model National Model Offline Conference. Makhfiratkhon also won an International MUN internship and became an ambassador for SGAP Leaders. She is a fellow member of ERU and a member of ISRES.

Makhfiratkhon’s passion for making a difference extends beyond academia. She serves as a Child Rescue Ambassador for IQRA Foundation and a Child Advisor for Glory Future Foundation. Additionally, she is an ambassador for Greenpeace organization and an ACCA member.

She actively participates in various clubs and organizations such as Global Friends Club, IHRC (International Human Rights Commission), FIAG (Foundation for International Affairs and Governance), IAAC (International Association for Advancement in Computing Education), Gurukshetra Foundation, Borsiba International Organization, and INERY.

Makhfiratkhon is also a Global Youth Ambassador and a volunteer for the Movers Program. She has completed courses in TOEFL iBt from the University of California and Food and Health from Stanford University.

Furthermore, Makhfiratkhon has represented Uzbekistan as a delegate for ‘Best Diplomats’ in Thailand, Malaysia, and the United Arab Emirates. She is a volunteer for ‘Quyosh nuri’ and serves as a coordinator for IHRC in Uzbekistan.

Her passion for peace and social initiatives is evident through her role as a Global Peace Ambassador for Iqra Foundation and as the coordinator of Iqra Foundation in Uzbekistan. She is also an ambassador and representative of IHRC in Uzbekistan.

Makhfiratkhon’s dedication to personal development extends to various other areas. She holds two TEFL certificates, is an Independent Travel Manager for Dreamport Company, a VIP member and representative of Borsiba International Organization, and a Global Youth Ambassador for Global Youth Conference Dubai-2023. She also serves as a Country President of Iqra Foundation Global in Uzbekistan, an Ambassador of 21st DigiSkillz, and a Global Education Ambassador.

With her exceptional achievements, Makhfiratkhon Abdurakhmonova embodies the true spirit of ambition, determination, and commitment to lifelong learning. Her contributions to education, humanitarian causes, and global awareness are commendable, making her an inspiration to many aspiring individuals around the world.

Essay from Rano Dilshadovna

Young Central Asian woman with straight dark hair, brown eyes, and a black v-neck top.
Rano Dilshadovna
How to improve English speaking skills and become a great communicator.

Abstract: To teach speaking requires planning of activities which is not only allows learners to practice oral language but also focus their attention on important linguistic elements that can improve their accuracy . Drawing on a substantial research base, this article discusses key dimensions in teaching speaking that can develop language learners` fluency, accuracy and complexity.

Key words: speaking skill, procedure , method, techniques, practice, shadowing

English is the world`s most studied language -around 20% of the world speaks English. Learning English can lead to new opportunities in life, including easier travel, that you can study higher education at some of the world`s top institutions, including the University of the People`s online programs, which are tuition free! 
Practice is the key to learning any skill, especially communication abilities. Speaking more often will allow you to boost your speech expand your vocabulary and proven methods to enhance your English skills.

Speaking skill.   

1.	Definition of speaking 
Speaking is one of the four fundamental skills that students should master. Speaking considered as a productive skill. I was impossible to separate it from listening . We create the text when we talk and it should be relevant . In the nature of communication, we may find the speaker, the listener, the message and the feedback . Speaking is inextricably linked to pronunciation since it encourages students to learn English sounds. 

Surround yourself with English. 
English is widely used. No matter where you live, you can discover English language menus, promotional materials, novels, movies road signs and more your foundation will be stronger the more you immerse yourself in and pay attention to these everyday English techniques.

  Make  sure to listen as well as speak 
One of the best methods to understand the formulation of sentences and build your vocabulary is to listen to people speak . Try listening to podcast and recorded conversation . From YouTube to real-life conversations there are so many places to access English speaking . 

 Practice with music and movies .
Most people enjoy some music or entertainment in form of movies to unwind and relax . You have the option of watching movies  in your native language with readable English subtitles.

 Find a Conversation Partner 
If possible, its best to find a native English speaker with whom you can practice your English . If you do not know anyone in your direct network, consider finding a tutor . Otherwise, you can practice your conversation skills.

        Four Important techniques to improve English speaking skills.
There are also a variety of techniques to help improve your English speaking ability. 

1. Speech Shadowing

Basically, this is mimicking a native speaker . The easiest way to practice speech shadowing is watch videos or a movie with subtitles. Read the sentences aloud after you have finished . Play it back after that while the native speaker is speaking. To mimic the flow and pattern as precisely as you can, try pausing in between . You can record yourself doing this if you want to hear how it sounds when spoken by a native speaker.

2. Self Talk  

Whether you choose to speak your thoughts out loud or record yourself singing. Talking to yourself and hearing the words will help you improve. You can also read out loud. 

3. Think in English 

This probably will not come naturally, but you can help train yourself to think in English by first translating the thoughts in your head . Otherwise, you can keep a journal or diary of thoughts and write in English.  

4. Retell a Story in English 

Start with something simple, like a fairy tale or traditional story from your childhood. Then you  can take this to the next step and challenge yourself to retell story that someone else shares in English. This helps to check your comprehension and understanding . 

Community-based learning method is a method of learning that can be applied to learn language.  It is very functional because the learners learn the language like in real community.  It is conducted out of the formal or regular teaching learning process that usually done in the classroom. These speaking techniques will help you improve your speaking ability.  


1.How to improve English speaking skills 



Essay from Marjona Qurbonova

Young Central Asian woman with long black hair, a black top and a red jacket standing in front of a chandelier with many white globes of light.
Marjona Qurbonova
Achievements and challenges of online learning in teaching foreign languages

Qurbanova Marjona

Department of Applied Disciplines 

Abstract: This article discusses the importance of online learning in foreign language teaching. Nowadays some people in all countries prefer to learn something online in a position of staying at home and on the time they want. Online learning is creating a number of facilities if its drawbacks are not regarded. Now we shall see its advantages and disadvantages together.

Key words: online education, information, university, course, Internet, student, lecture, technology, screen, foreign language.
Education plays the most important role in the life of people. A big piece of new and necessary information appears every minute. Nowadays online study or learning turns out to be more and more practiced. Many universities started to share their courses online. So, what is online education?                                       

Online education is the form of education that takes place over Internet. It is called as ‘e-learning’ or ‘online learning. Students attend online lectures with the help of computer or a smart phone. Although online education has become popular nowadays, it has both advantages and disadvantages. 

Online learning is convenient. These is obviously the greatest benefit of online learning; as long as you own a computer and have an internet connection, it does not matter in which part of the world you are. Learners can access information from anywhere, anytime.
It is flexible. Learning becomes easier when aligned with one’s learning needs and preferences. Online learning allows learners to study at their own pace, whether they are students, busy adults, or employees. 

Online learning is cost effective.  The cost effectiveness of online learning is quite impressive; no more travel and accommodation expenses, reusable online content. It can be tailored to different needs. Different people learn in different ways, and online learning does everything in its power to ensure that all learning needs are met. Looking for economically viable options online learning for students is the best way;

It is immediate. Not only learners are able to begin their online learning immediately, but they are also able to see immediate results; whether self-paced or instructor-led.
It is unrestricted.  With online learning location is no longer a barrier; neither are culture and nationality.

In addition to studying, you can also work. In fact the majority of applicants who choose distance learning drop out they don’t want to give up, but they want to learn. In online learning you can study on weekends, when you return from work, even at night;  
It saves your time! Students in online programs can effectively manage their time, learn the materials, and complete assignments on their own schedules to name just a few benefits of online learning. Transportation to and from training centers you can save the time you spend waiting. In online learning  if you want you will receive information on the spot;

If you consider yourself aspiring, distance education is the greatest way for you.   The advantage is that some classes are held in groups. There are some students in the group the faster some understand slowly. In this regard, distance learning is a method more efficient.

It may be a “solo” act. It is true that, although online learning might be convenient and flexible, it is also a solo act... Some people absolutely need personal contact with their educators or trainers in order to learn successfully. It is difficult to have group discussions in online education. Student-teacher interaction is also limited. The probability of being distracted is high. In face-to-face communication there are no classmates who are constantly reminded of upcoming assignments. If you want to successfully complete a distance learning course, find yourself you need to be diligent and careful;
It may be impersonal. No matter how we try to fully transfer human communication platforms, no matter how natural it seems to form relationships behind computer screens; a virtual environment is just not human.

Nothing can replace human contact. Too much time spent in front of a computer screen may be harmful. Being constantly online is the new reality, but the truth is that using a computer or a tablet all the time can cause poor vision, strain injuries, and other physical problems. 

It requires self–discipline. If your e-learning audience lacks self – discipline, it is unlikely that they will be motivated to self study. Traditional learning and training have the benefit of easily tracking both progress and falling behind, this works for many learners as well, as some people prefer their progress to be closely monitored in order to perform.

Technology Issues – Many students face technical issues like slow internet connectivity. This hampers the learning experience. The biggest enemy of online learning is the internet's slow performance of providers or disconnection. In this case, the applicant the desire to learn leads to exhaustion or nervousness.
Cheating – Students can cheat easily if exams are conducted online. They can copy the answers as they give the exams from their own house.
Inability to focus – Many students find it difficult to focus on screen for long period of time. Students get distracted easily towards social media or other sites too.

Possible lack of control: No matter how carefully you design e-learning course, there is no guarantee that your massage will get across. There is always the risk of your learners just going through the material without paying any attention. It is difficult to measure program results. Question remains: are students learning what instructor is saying that they should be learning? Students must be self-motivated and disciplined to progress through his or her program in a timely manner. 

In conclusion, the facts are that there are advantages, and disadvantages to every type of learning environment. Students have to analyze both the pros and cons, factors which contribute greatly to making an informed decision, about the direction of his or her career path. Students have to decide, how they are going to accomplish their goals: online, in the classroom or a combination of both. Today’s online learning is better than yesterday’s; and online learning of tomorrow will be better than today’s.


Essay from Ravshanbek Nasulloyev


Annotation: This article highlights the description of useful options which helps to think in English.

With the development of the period, the need and demand for learning a language have increased so much that nowadays there is a need to know a foreign language in almost every field. In particular, English has become one of the most studied languages in the world. The demand and supply for young personnel who can perfectly learn this language and contemplate in this one are increasing more and more. However, a question arises: “Why is it difficult for us to think in this language?”, “How we can debate, praise and criticize in this language?”. These questions will be answered fully, clearly, and with examples in this article.

Some reasons that prevent us from thinking in English and one of them is the use of bilingual dictionaries. That is, if we want to know the meaning of a word or phrase, we use bilingual dictionaries, from English to native language or from native to English. Many students continue to refer to these translation dictionaries whenever they want to know the meaning of a word because they have been taught the grammar-translation method since kindergarten and school and it has become a habit for them, however, it is very urgent that we should break this mode. Because of big differences between languages in terms of vocabulary, translation, grammar, and structure, we confront with a plenty of obstacles when we want to know how a word in Uzbek is called in English, we may not find this word in dictionaries, or we may find a word used in a completely different meaning in dictionaries. We know that every language has its own and figurative words, and in the process of translation we come across words with completely different meanings from bilingual dictionaries. In addition, it takes a lot of time to think and translate in a conversation – this leads to pauses, hesitations and the inability to speak quickly and fluently.

The reasons mentioned above are known to eradicate our study on foreign language. Even so, there are several methods and specific rules to overcome such misunderstandings and defects. If we follow them strictly, we can soon notice a great revolution, and we can communicate in English fluently and become proficient in meditating on English. To begin with, we should surround ourselves with English. This does not mean going to an English-speaking country, and even we can accomplish this task at our home. For this, we need to do a day of English for 10 minutes every day, and we should regard this time not as study time, but as a fun and interesting process. Later, we can gradually increase this time from 10 minutes to 20, 30, 40 and more minutes. At this time, we can listen to podcasts, listen to the radio or music, read blogs, magazines and books or watch the English movies that we like, and during this time we can do two things. Firstly, we can listen passively. At that moment, we reduce the stress and pressure and it helps us to learn the language deeply. We also get the opportunity to get to know the speech and pronunciation of native speakers and increase our range of vocabulary. The other is that we have the opportunity to repeat the words and phrases we perceive and find out, and this is very beneficial for regulating pronunciation standards.

Moreover, we should only turn to account words that we know and have already learned. Sometimes we try to explain or express an idea while speaking, but we don’t acquire knowledge of vocabulary. At this time, we endeavour to find the translation of this word in the dictionary or ask someone for a translation. Maybe it helps us to increase our vocabulary, but it has a defective effect on the fluency of our speech. Therefore, it is preferable to use only words that we acquainted with. Although these words are very elementary, if the speech is carried out fluently without pauses and word searches, we will be successful. If we don’t have enough vocabulary to explain something, we need to look around the word, by this we mean that, we can think of synonyms or alternatives for that word. If we can’t find them either, it’s best to refrain from expressing that thought or idea.

The next point is that we should start learning from small and build it up step by step. It is challenging to ruminate about this non-native language, however, we can initiate this from learning only simple words, after that, we broaden this range by being informed of collocations, phrases, simple and complex sentences. One of the most conventional and predominant ways is looking at a picture and illustrating it. At first, we start by saying only the name of the item, subject, person and event depicted in this picture which we know the translation of. Then, we make phrases with adjectives or pronouns from the ones mentioned above. We make simple sentences from word combinations, and complex sentences from simple sentences. Then we get used to doing this exercise when we walk down the street, do shopping, go to the doctor’s office, wait in queue at the bank. By repeating this actions permanently, we learn to describe, analyze and evaluate the events and cases happening around us. Thus, we rise from the bottom to the top. Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky said that the inner voice, our thinking came from the internalization of the outer voice. The inner voice in our head is the same as when we speak. There is one difference and it is our muscles. We do not make use of our muscles when we think, but we utilize when we speak. That is why, this process of thinking, speaking, thinking, and speaking through practice we can amplify it and help us to think in English.

Another strategy is that we should use English in our daily life. We should keep a diary and when we wake up in the morning, we should write in it our plans for the day, the tasks that we need to do, and at the end of the day, how our day was, what events happened, and what plans we made in our diary. Due to the repetition of such kind of workouts, we learn to use English in everyday life and use it correctly. Of course, there is a huge difference between speaking and writing, and they are separated from each other. But, according to some researches, writing and speaking are connected to each other in some cases. For instance, both of this skills require to meditate, criticize, prove or explain the phenomenon and it is depend on ourselves how to express this. However, we cannot write the way we speak. By taking notes, making some sentences on our diary, we learn to write cohesively and coherently in English without translation and a dictionary. As I highlighted above, we should only use the words we know.

In addition to this, as we know, practice is the most important part of learning language, as well as English. When we practice speaking with our friends, teachers, family members or other people, we will be more aware of events or things that are happening around us. So, we will more likely to think in English in order to make conversation with our partners.

The last option is that we should be monolingual. As I mentioned above, when we search words which we don’t know in bilingual dictionary, we may face some difficulties to find the exact translation or meaning. It is better to use monolingual ones that show the synonyms or definitions. By this, we can focus only on one language, enlarge our range of vocabulary and learn to think in this language.

All in all the discussion in this article has clearly shown some causes which disturb us from learning language completely and properly, and a huge number of options and strategies which help us to think in English, speak fluently and smoothly like native speakers and break up the barriers that we may face. By following these rules, we hope that students, even language learners can adapt to the English environment and live in it!

Poetry from Adiba Pardaboyeva

Young Central Asian woman with long braided black hair and a ruffled flowered light blue blouse.
Adiba Pardaboyeva
My soul will find peace, if I go home...

A reminder of a place of worship,
When I'm tired, sometimes I faint,
These fatigues will make me miserable one day,
My soul will find peace, if I go home...

The angel of my heart lives in my house,
If I burn like Ali in love,
Fatima sits quietly like my mother,
My soul finds peace when I go home.

My heart is comforted,
If I avoid bad things and be content with everything,
My shoulder to shoulder life partner,
My soul finds peace when I go home.

My family cries for peace
If I pray for you in Sajdah,
If I come late, his mother is waiting for him,
My soul will find peace, if I go home ....

Adiba Pardabayeva
City of Termiz, Republic of Uzbekistan

Pardaboyeva Adiba Shuxrat kizi

Nukus State Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Uzbek Language and Literature, 1st- year student, member of the scientific girls’ community “Kizlarjon” and the participant of the “Unity forum”

Pardabayeva Adiba Shukhrat qizi born on September 4, 2003,  in the family of a businessman, lives in  A. Nabiyev street, Khojango MFY, Angor district, Surkhondarya region.

In 2010, she was admitted to the 1st grade at the  primary school N3, situated in the  district of Angor Surkhandarya region.  She Actively participated as a screenwriter and presenter in the cultural and educational events held during the study period and  became an example to her peers as she was active in public affairs.At school she differentiated from other pupils with her hardworking, care for books as well as her talent in various other fields.
2017, she took part in the district stage of the “Knowledge Competition”  in the subject of the french language.  In 2019, she graduated from the school with excellent marks.

That year, she was admitted to the academic lyceum of the Termez state university in the field of social and humanitarian sciences.
As a result, she mastered history, English, mother tongue and literature with excellent markes. During her studies, she was active in various activities, public affairs and became the winner of many competitions held at the lyceum
For example:

The winner of the nomination “The most talented student”,

The winner of the “Highly Spiritual Generation” essay writing contest.

– took the 1st place in the “Orasta girls” audition contest (2020).Winner of the “Most Talented Student” nomination,

– The winner of the “Highly Spiritual Generation” essay writing competition,

– took the proud 1st place in the “Orasta girls” audition contest (2020).

In 2020, she finished college honorably and  was awarded with the diploma of Terdu Academic Lyceum. Additionally, Sh is also the owner of internationally acknowledged awards such as
Organizational member of Quality council India- QCI NATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS AND HUMANITARIAN FEDERATION of India.

For being thirst for knowledge,
she never stopped working on herself and tried to strengthen her knowledge constantly,
She became  the member of many forums and won the heart of alotof teachers as a young girl who is willing to get more and more knowledge. She actively participated in different conferences, trainings, and events organized by the writers’ association and attracted their attention with her skills.
In 2019-2020, she studied at TerDu Academic Lyceum in Termiz. In 2021, she graduated from the “Yosh Jumalists School” in Tashkent. Adiba actively took part in more than 80 district and regional contests and forums. Her first book was published in the 9th grade under the name of  “Kongil Gunchalari”. Her poems are included in the poetry collection “Sparks of Hope. Her poems were published and still being published  in the press and newspapers. She was a reporter and presenter in several TV shows. To make a count her achievements, there is no way bu to stop to pay attention to the  following:
Adiba Rainbow stars”-2017,
“Captain of the year”
The most active captain”,
“The best reader”,  the awarder of  the 1st degree diploma in essay writing in the competition so called: “We are against oppression”.
Her poems were well appreciated by the philologists of the Republic, and she won the “Two Great Figures” competition. She has achieved a number of achievements in the field of creativity. In 2021, she was awarded with a certificate by Amirkhan Umarov. She is a participant of the  Unity forum. Currently, she is a student of the Uzbek language and literature department of the pedagogical Institute of Nukus  she is a  natural learner and exemplary gir.
Her aspirations and interests are very high. From a very young age, her  interest in poetry began.
In the near future, Adiba’s next collection is expected to be released in cooperation with the Double Wing Foundation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In the future, A capable and knowledgeable Adiba has a desire to learn the Turkish and English languages.
Her dream is to study abroad on a grand basis and become the  winner of the state award named after Zulfiya. We wish our young poetess good luck in her future dreams and goals.

Pardabayeva Adiba is pure, loyal to the ideas of the national ideology, embodies a high sense of patriotism, philanthropy, self- sacrifice and hard work on the basis of national spirituality.
She is a real Uzbek girl whom we might recognize as an example to others proudly and as a young exemplary girl who can do her favor  to help flourishing her motherland.

Poetry from Khojabekova Musharraf, translated into English by Nilufar Ruxillayeva

Elderly Central Asian woman wearing a white headscarf sits on a plush grey chair holding a bouquet of yellow, pink, and red flowers.
Khojabekova Musharraf
Samarkand anthem

Always young, always young,
Great city Samarkand.
He lives by seeing every morning,
My eyes are the city, Samarkand.

Cradle of greaters
Your own city, Samarkand.
Door of Miracles,
city Samarkand.

Thousands of years from now,
Sound city, Samarkand.
From the depths of ancient history,
Voice city, Samarkand.

Indescribable lol
My heart city, Samarkand.
Spirituality boiled,
Knowledge city, Samarkand.

Master craftsman, craftsman,
Famous city, Samarkand.
Divine water from Siyab,
Administrative city, Samarkand.

Navoi's teacher,
Abulays, Samarkand.
Barot was in your heart 
"Hamsa" writer, Samarkand.

From Babur's tears,
Bayot city, Samarkand.
To Hadis Bukhari,
Life city, Samarkand.

It is better than Tajmahal.
Registo's Samarkand.
Surprised to see, lol
To every guest, Samarkand.

Preparations are made,
Caravan city, Samarkand.
to ancient cities,
Sarban city, Samarkand.

Khojabekova Musharraf was born in 1954 in the family of a teacher in the village of Karakissa, Koshrabot district, Samarkand region.
   After graduating from the Faculty of Mother Language and Literature of the Samarkand State Pedagogical Institute, she has been teaching mother tongue and literature for many years at the 31st secondary school in Koshrabot district of Samarkand region. She is now retired.
   The first poetry collection was published in 2009 under the name "Umr yoli".The second poetry collection "Spring song" was published in 2022 and the third poetry collection in February 2023. Poems of the talented poet are regularly published in republican, regional and district newspapers and magazines. Winner of many contests.
Young Central Asian woman with curly black hair, brown eyes, and a gauze black top sits in a plush green chair.
Nilufar Ruxillayeva