Performance Review: Synchronized Chaos on a cold reading of Lily Sauvage’s “The Importance of Being Dolly”

Good news for the folks who were craving for news of Oscar Wilde’s relatives: Lily Sauvage is working hard on The Importance of Being Dolly, and Synchronized Chaos had the privilege of attending the cold reading. The play revolves around the life of Oscar Wilde’s sexy niece, Dolly. Dolly is uber-gay, witty, and of course abuses drugs and booze.

Synchronized Chaos knows it all and even if “advice should only be passed on”, our humble opinion follows anyways.
When talking of Wilde, one expects the unpredictable. Let the plot swing; Oscar will be proud of you! Do not hesitate to abuse the uncle’s witty quotes–he doesn’t mind, he is dead. Mellow on the gay topic and the same goes for the drug abuse. Deja-vu, except if Dolly would dig deeper into the subject and contemplate on her motivational reasons to indulge in those illicit substances.