Poetry from Vijay Nair

In a winter night

It was a burning winter night
Falling snow a white in light
It sprinkled on trees all bright
It was an unending smile of delight
A cold wind was blowing from far away,
And it made the trees rustle like living things
Within the winter a spring is promised

She was my muse on that frozen dark
Wrapped me in a blanket of love
And kept my heart warm like a furnace
The warmth of her love revamped me into
A dancing spring with blissful heart
Our lips made for each other
And our bare body melted each other

I was in a fairy land of imagination
To know was nothing at all; but,
To imagine was everything for me
It was wider than the sky; and
It was worth more than I imagine!
I had a universe inside my mind
Where flowers bloomed with ecstasy
Butterflies flied high as kites
Love requires imagination
More than experience
So, I am just an imagination!!!

An ugly hand chasing a butterfly 

It fluttered around the garden
Then gently floated over
And landed on the flower and flirted
It was a beautiful yellow butterfly
The wigs of it kiss the sun when flying high
The strands on it’s wings shimmered!

A flying flower sprouted a few minutes ago
The graceful rise and fall of its dance
Gripped my whole attention and suddenly
It made my heart a caterpillar and
It turned into another butterfly!
It sang a wonderful song of love

Butterflies are angels sent from heaven
To bring us luck, happiness, and riches
They are the embodiment of myth
And, planet’s tragic heroines
No one can chase a butterfly for so long
Yet again an ugly hand chasing it for so long!!!

©-Vijay P Nair -2019