Ruben Monakhov – Still Lifes Without Perspective series and a few landscapes


Ruben Monakhov on the concept behind the still life series:

Almost every piece of figurative art could be considered as a still life, no matter what the artist paints. For the viewer it’s a set of recognizable objects placed within a certain background, so they feel they know what they’re seeing.
But I’ve decided to show the viewers, that their knowledge of the surrounding world is incomplete — there are still some things which viewers don’t notice.

For example, we often take perspective for granted. Perspective not only helps us to see space, but also changes the character of things around us. So, without the element of perspective it can be difficult to recognize some of the objects on my still lifes.

Ruben lives in Russia and may be reached at or through his website, He welcomes the opportunity to receive feedback on his work and network with other artists.