Synchronized Chaos Wish List


My friend and fellow writer/graduate student/writing workshop leader Gina De Vries blogged today to remember and celebrate a list she’d made of things she wanted and needed in various aspects of her life…and she’d achieved and been blessed with most of them. So, in that same spirit of wonderment and gratitude and curiosity – here’s Synchronized Chaos’ Wants and Needs Wish List:

Wishlist for Synchronized Chaos – and the local writers’ groups:


More worldwide publicity 

The latest Writers’ Market book.

More CD’s and books for the lending to write, how to market, etc.

Web design support – someone who knows WordPress and/or laptop repair

Mentors! People to work with and advise our artists, photographers, writers, etc.

Conference speakers for our local free writers’ conference and networking event (planned to take place sometime late next fall.)

Carpool drivers for each of our local spinoff writers’ groups (San Francisco, San Rafael, San Jose, Castro Valley)

Career advising for our writers

People who will volunteer or barter to read and critique/edit people’s writing

Donations to our scholarship fund to send one person (recipient to be determined based on their personal readiness and interest, will NOT be myself) to the San Francisco Writers’ Conference – $450 left to raise

Donations to a random and discreetly available slush fund for folks (not myself!) down on their luck who need contest entry fees, paperback books on writing, bus fare/gas money for literary and art events, cash for coffee and meals at our events, etc.


Resume editing and job networking for our staff and contributors – in this economy we offer this as a service for anyone who’s interested, but would love to have a volunteer with some career counseling/job finding experience offer to take a look

Help finding paid advertising or otherwise increase our sustainable income stream without annoying our readers.

An apartment somewhere mass-transit accessible in the San Francisco Bay Area we can use occasionally to host events and potlucks and receptions.

Pen pals and mentors and sponsors of writing and stamps and other supplies for the incarcerated ladies we write to through Free Battered Women’s survivors’ project. Have invited several to submit to Synchronized Chaos, hoping to print some of their work soon!