Vintage Collectable Sculpture and Assemblage by Monty Monty

Artist Statement:
“Assembled to create a theme, discreet items of interest and vintage collectibles are sculpted into a whole and unified form. I take cast-off objects of our throwaway society, antique collectibles, curios and sometimes family heirlooms and breathe new life into them, rendering new ways to look at old things. My approach is to create a natural look to the assembled work by using creative methods. I do not weld. I take great care in the restoration of each component during my process while creating a vintage quality within the work.”

– Monty Monty


2 thoughts on “Vintage Collectable Sculpture and Assemblage by Monty Monty

  1. Pingback: Synchronized Chaos » Synchronized Chaos: January 2011

  2. Restoration of the object did a good job and transforming old collectibles into new and stylish one.

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