Laura Callin Bennett – Love Frog Three


Love Frog Three
Medium: India ink and acrylic on paper
: 4″ x 6″
Date: 2009

I am an artist who is interested in evolution, natural selection, artificial
breeding, and genetic engineering.

I think evolution is beautiful. It gives elegant explanations for why animals
look and act the way they do. I am working on a series of one hundred small
paintings that explore the idea of evolution in a playful way. They are all
the same size, four inches by six inches.

I think of the paintings as little organisms that are all related to one
another. Because they are related they have certain things in common,
including India ink outlines and acrylic paint in a particular range of
colors. If you look at a bird-watching field guide, you can see that related
birds often have the same colors, just rearranged into different patterns.
That is because they all inherited their colors from a common ancestor. A
systematic, limited palette of colors gives the same kind of unity to my
population of paintings.

Whenever I want to create a new painting, I start by looking at two of my
earlier paintings side by side. I imaginatively combine their ideas, designs,
and colors as I make a new “hybrid” offspring painting. Some of the
designs that recur throughout my work are images of rabbits, birds, and women.
Rabbits represent domesticity, comfort, and a certain childlike innocence. The
women are self-portraits or alter egos; I draw them when I am in an
introspective mood. Birds appear because they are the most visible creatures
in my environment. Most mammals stay hidden, but it only takes a short walk
around my apartment complex to see white-crowned sparrows, mourning doves,
scrub jays, and more. In my painting series I am taking in all of these ideas,
processing and reworking them, and watching as new and interesting forms

Laura Callin Bennett