Poetry from Shine Ballard


Sourdough and sharp cheddar—
enter the daily entry into the journal—
a quick lunch with a politically kneaded history.


Say cozened, repeat.
The red-tail on green carpet.
Only in pencil.


Cornstalks stalking, four to six feet,
A chorus of scolding greets steps.
Twelve days of abundance won’t quench.
Cornstalks stalking, four to six feet,
A squirrelish racket among the leaves.
There is no song titled “Plight Of.”
Cornstalks stalking, four to six feet,
A chorus of scolding greets overstep.


(so servile have i lived to my fears)
for a short while
i’ll have a cookie—


Reminisce at the padded
rataplanning of flam 
taps. Ruminate. Lament
my atrophied sticking.
The nuisance dog notices
it’s been making no noise.
Resent my easily
exhausted grip. Notice
the Chinaberry tree
newly leafing. Mimic
the mmmzing of the bumble
bee at the screen. Another
pickup pummels down the road.