Essay from Oydinova Malika

Young Central Asian woman with long straight dark hair, brown eyes, a white and black checkered coat over a black blouse.
Oydinova Malika
Annotation: This article discusses difficulties in learning foreign languages and solutions to avoid this problems.
Key words: learning process, problem, grammatical difficulties, teaching, learning, foreign language.

Today, it is very important for everyone to know foreign languages. The world is becoming more and more globalized, and knowing two or more languages is not just a hobby, but a need of the hour. Of course, everyone wants to achieve a certain goal by doing something. Along with this, new language learners who start learning English, French, German or any other Eastern languages aim to achieve a certain goal and result by learning these languages. Unfortunately, some language learners make mistakes at this step and face a number of difficulties later in the language learning process.

However, learning foreign languages is a more responsible and complex process. Difficulties in learning foreign languages are observed not only in young children and schoolchildren, but also in older learners and university students. It is known that English and Uzbek languages belong to different families, and language learners face phonetic, lexical and grammatical difficulties. Including:

- Almost all students have difficulty learning the sounds [th] and [ð]. The reason for this is the lack of interdental sounds in the Uzbek language. Our language has not developed the skills to pronounce these sounds.

- Since the English pronunciation of the sound [r] is different from the Uzbek r, students also have difficulty in pronouncing this sound.
- The pronunciation of the sounds [t, d] is also not the same in both languages. Therefore, their pronunciation is difficult for some young people.

- [w] sound does not exist in Uzbek either. They also have some difficulty in pronouncing this sound correctly. When pronouncing it, they confuse it with [v] in Uzbek language.

In order to teach the correct pronunciation of the above-mentioned sounds, the teacher should clearly explain to the children the location of the tongue as much as possible, check it regularly through repetition exercises, and pay special attention to the students' pronunciation in each lesson. difficulties in sounds are also eliminated.

It also creates phonetic difficulties in the following cases:
- the letter e is not pronounced at the end of the word — apple, Pete;
- the letter combination gh cannot be read in the middle of a word — eight, night;
- the letter k is not pronounced before n at the beginning of the word — knock, knee and a number of other difficulties can be observed.

The difficulty characteristic of the majority of Uzbek students is that they add the sound [Ə] before the suffixes in their pronunciation when adding plural or tense adverbs: books [bu'kƏs], happened [hæpƏ 'nĀd]. Apparently, by adding such an unnecessary sound, they are also changing the position of the word stress. Not being able to read the transcription is a particular problem. It is necessary to teach the correct pronunciation of words and symbols representing sounds.

When it comes to grammatical difficulties in teaching English, it is safe to say that many difficulties can be encountered. If a person knows all the words in the language, but does not know the connections between sentences and words, he will have difficulty understanding the content of the speech. That's why learning grammar is so important. If he does not have good grammar skills, he will not be able to express his opinion properly. Difficulty in speaking, writing and translating.

-Article problem. This is arguably the biggest challenge in learning grammar. When we talk to many English language learners, almost all of them say that the most difficult part of learning English grammar is the articles and tenses. In fact, since the Uzbek language does not have an article word group, it is difficult to use and translate it.
Article rules should be memorized. However, the many exceptions to the rules make learning difficult for learners. If the translation is taught more precisely, they will not have much difficulty in using the article. For example, it is possible to teach that the indefinite article is translated as one, some kind of one, and the definite article is translated as that, yet.

-Another difficulty in mastering English grammar is prepositions. In the Uzbek language, prepositions are expressed by agreement suffixes. In English, conjugations are expressed through prepositions. For example, the place-time agreement in Uzbek can be expressed in English with the prepositions in, on, at. For example:

in - in January, in 2015, in a week
on - on Monday, on January 15, on birthday
at - at the weekend, at 10 o'clock

As for the lexical difficulties in teaching English, they are as follows:
-Almost all words in the English language have different meanings. That is, one word means more than one. According to M. Norova, one word in English has a maximum of 23 meanings.

-The fact that a certain part of the vocabulary of the English language came from other languages;
-The wealth of idioms of the English language and several others.
In addition, students do not and cannot always follow the rules learned in the training. After the lessons, they do not try to learn new words by practicing pronunciation and writing essays. It is no secret that one of the biggest disadvantages is that when mistakes are corrected, students often think, "This is not my language." This has a negative impact on learning a foreign language.

Excessive use of the mother tongue in the audience:
Learners learn another language best when they are forced to use it. The teacher should require students to communicate in the language being studied. Only in this case, the level of achievement in language learning and fluency in pronunciation will increase. Learning a foreign language will be successful only if it is strictly required and restrictions are imposed during the lesson.

Dependence of students on the teacher:
Independent work on oneself, independent problem solving and research serve to master any subject well. The fact that the student turns to the teacher for every small problem indicates his dependence. This reduces the student's ability to work on himself.

A number of ways can be listed as a solution. The problem is that independently watching foreign language films and videos adapted to language teaching serves as a bridge, at least partially.

In conclusion, as every job has its own difficulties and hardships, there are many problems in learning foreign languages, but there are ways to overcome them. All this is done through the curiosity of the learners and their serious approach to the work they have started, and their further research.

Oydinova Malika student of
Uzbekistan State World Languages University of
English faculty of Foreign Languages and literature

One thought on “Essay from Oydinova Malika

  1. Learning other languages has its tide in a rarefied atmoshere that fills the dark clefts up the last angled dependences the tide runs wild.

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