Poetry from Akhlina Ankhi

Young Central Asian woman with a peach headscarf with decorative jewels and a pink top standing outside in front of trees.
Akhlina Ankhi
Unavoidable Fate

You remain awake with antique thirst of Sindh
River as you are like ancient inscription of Indus Civilization.You stay up like Harappa or Mohenjo-daro with the ruin of drought and flood. 
Hold the evergreen Banga land by the affinity of Prowess  Burg Civilization. 
Sail the Sampan of Bay of Bangle on the Abysmal eyes  Like river.
The water of amazed Brahmaputra increases Thirst by the harvest of Sindh's semen  wants to Make an orchard with jubilant Catkin on her River basin. 
Elegiac flute of yellow leaves from the forest of Banga land for the destructive civilization by The rodent devours of nature as her falling in Drops is like as her unavoidable fate.

Aklima Ankhi, poet, storyteller and translator from Cox'sbazar, Bangladesh. Born in Mymensingh, Bangladesh. She has a published poetry named "Guptokothar Shobdochabi" written in Bangla. She is a post graduate in English Literature. As a profession she is a Lecturer in English.