Poetry from Intizor Samandarova

Intizor Samandarova

The sky 

The sky is the greatest and most precious 

The sky is the most beautiful art which inspires 

The sky can give happiness to someone

May the sky be calm and clear all the time

The sky is the creation of the creator

The sky is a bright spark of hope

The sky is the infinite pillar of humanity

The sky is actually a prisoner of life

The sky is a great philosophy

The sky, reveal your all secrets to everyone

Intizor Samandarova was born on May 3, 2007 in Gurlan District, Khorezm Region, Respublic of Uzbekistan.She is the author of the books “The best invitation” and “My grandfather’s memoir”.She is the member of international organizations “Iqra” of Pakistan,”Asih Sasami”of Indonesia,”Juntos por las letras”of Argentina,”All India council for technical skill development” of India.Her poems have been published in newspapers, magazines and international anthologies.

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