Poetry from Sreya Sarkar

Snowflake Ballerinas

Silver ballerinas pirouetted down the clouds
Sliding down the spruce, fir and pine
Each an unique masterpiece 
Unbound by reason or rhyme 

The sky fell asleep 
Pining for its lover, the storm
The cold wind stole its essence 
Froze in spirit and form

Cloaked in a feathery parka
A busy throughfare lost its way
It skipped its daily itinerary to watch the ballerinas 
Romancing the meek sun ray

Silence grew a distinct hum
The wind stroked a sigh out of the cold
The pitter patter of the pointe shoes
Timeless loop spun around unable to secure its hold

At curtain call the ballerinas bowed their best
The show had come to an end
Another year another time
More hearts to be frozen around the bend