When a person comes into the world, he will face a lot of love during her life. But there is a love in her heart that is eternal! This is love for the Motherland! For everyone, the place where they were born such as their home, their district, their country – everything is their Motherland!
We always compare the motherland to mothers and call it Motherland! I also consider it my duty and pride to tell the story of my hometown, to introduce it to the world! I am a girl from Uzbekistan. Uzbekistan has 12 regions located in different regions and connected to each other. I was born and grew up in Denov district of Surkhandarya region, which is located in the south of Uzbekistan. I can proudly say that Denov is one of the most famous and developed districts of Surkhandarya region!
Denov district has a very old and unique history. It was called Dehinav in ancient times. But in 1958 it was officially founded as Denov district. The population of Denov consists of representatives of various nationalities. You can meet Uzbeks, Tajiks, Turkmens, Russians and even Arabics in my city. The most gratifying thing is that these people always live there together as a family. I love these people of my city. Because among them I never feel alone. Even every street, every house and family feels like mine.
The climate and nature of my city is unique. It is a tropical region that is located between Surkhandarya and Sangardak rivers. There are fields and hills, apple, pomegranate, cherry, apricot orchards and vineyards, cotton and wheat fields. People who want to see the most beautiful example of my hometown’s nature can visit the Sangardak waterfall located between Denov and Saraasia districts. Because this waterfall captivates any person with its purity, enthusiasm and beauty. Especially in the summer months, the number of visitors increases. That is why many people think of Sangardak firstly when they talk about Denov city.
It is necessary to mention the achievements in the field of education in my town. Because there are currently more than 100 general secondary schools and specialized schools are operating . The magnificent university in the center of our city provides great comfort for youth. Also, sports school and music and art schools are always lovely for talented youth and children.
I would not be mistaken if I say that my district is currently in the period of rapid development. Because renewal, development and creativity in all regions of my district! I hope that in the next 5-10 years, Denov will become one of the most famous and most developed places not only in the Surkhandarya region, but also in the whole of Uzbekistan! Maybe one day when you visit Denov, you might say “Denov is unique Denov”!
Ochildiyeva Shahnoza Abdivohid qizi was born on July 17, 2006 in the republik of Uzbekistan, Surkhandarya region , Denov district. Presently, she studies at school number 49 in 11th grade. She is a member of international organizations such as “Asih sasami Indonesiya Global Writers”,”Juntos por las letras”,”Iqra” and so on and a head captain of Youth Union Organization!
Her poems have been published in several international newspapers and magazines. Apart from, her books which called “Yurakdagi orzularim”, “She’riyat o’ziga ayladi asir” were published. Her new book which is “Happiness” is selling in 26 countries of the world.