Article from Bakhora Bakhtiyorova

Central Asian teen girl with reading glasses, short black hair, a white tee shirt with a blue design. She's got a wristwatch on her right hand which is near her mouth.
Bakhora Bakhtiyorova

What I understand

(Written under the influence of what I saw and some events)

Some recommendations for parents in raising children

1. Being a parent, it is not easy to take responsibility and raise a child. If there is a little neglect, they can get involved in anything. They always think that you should be strict with them. But this does not mean that you should always be strict with the child and always fight. You want to teach the horse the right way until he reaches it. But no matter how much you beat the child, it will never help. Worse, they will be cold towards you. Your respect will disappear.

Respect their decisions;
You should not neglect their goals;
You should give them their freedom without pampering them.
The main thing is to know how to listen to your child!

2. Always pay attention to your child's dream goals and respect their abilities. So-and-so's child knows math. You should also study math, history, and IT!

Unfortunately, in many parents, their child knows this type of piston very well. They say, "You have learned too!". Have you asked your child first about his interest, the field of science he is interested in?

3. Never compare your child with someone else's child!
Every child has his own abilities given by God. Someone is strong in science. Maybe your child is interested in sports, art, IT, why would someone say, "Why can't you do it?!" "should be compared by saying?!

Allow your child to pursue an area of ​​interest. What your child can do may not be possible for the child of the pumper who praises you. The more you compare your child, the more he loses interest in his own identity and begins to fall into depression. Let your child be like HIMSELF, not like SO-and-so's child. And the thoughts that no one understands me and why they compare me to him appear in their minds, and their interest fades. Because every child has his own interests, abilities, self-thinking worldview. If every parent listens to their child's abilities and uses them, they would go in the direction they are interested in. Therefore, no child's field is the same. If his fellow doctor does this, he shouldn't do it either. It can't be like that.

Don't compare your child at all and listen, this is the thing that has the most negative effect on the child. It even makes the parents think that they hate me!

4. Always give your child their freedom without pampering them.
No matter who asks you to do something or what clothes to wear (I can't tell you everything, of course you should consult with your parents), I mean let the child make decisions that he can make without fear. That's it. What do you mean, parents, don't be afraid. Let them make their own personal decisions freely. Therefore, you should give them such freedom and strong confidence, say the words "I believe in you", "I respect their decisions", and only then have a child. He starts to try to justify the trust given to him, but many people say that if he doesn't have to take it hard, he will do as he knows how. No! this is a big mistake!

Give them confidence, motivation, and then a child
My parents and me

He tries harder because he respects my decisions and interests. He is also afraid of abusing the trust given to him. Can he act? under depression?!
He does it only because he is afraid.


Do you struggle to get up in the morning?
Remember when you had an important job and overslept on the day of your exam?
No, because you know why you need to wake up.
When you wake up in the morning, look out the window,
spring is around, if you look around when it's late after spending the day, autumn has come

This morning, another door of opportunities was opened for us to change our lives. A new day was given. Draw a conclusion from your mistakes, don't repeat those mistakes this morning!!!

Our first task in this life is to make ourselves happy. To be able to set goals for our own life, to live by ourselves. To think about our future at least a little, to think about who we are now. and we have to start by realizing who we will be in the future!!! First of all, the first principle of human life begins with self-acceptance. Accept yourself. The people around you are like a mirror to you. Be able to see your mistakes and shortcomings. Keep negative people away from you.

Don't pay attention to the people who laugh at you saying "You can't do it" and keep silent! Be committed to your goals. Don't give up on trivial excuses and don't be weak! The world is not all rainbows and shining sun. The world is very cruel and only the strong can endure. You and I or no one can hit as hard as life hits. It's not about how much life can or can't hit you. No matter how hard it hits you. It's not about how many hits you can take.

Don't point the finger at others saying that it happened because of him when you've taken the blows. This is an act of absolute cowards, and you should separate yourself from them.

For people in this life, it doesn't matter how much you are struggling and you are giving all your strength to it. What is important for people is the RESULT you have achieved. 'changing result. If you say that one day you will not be a slave to people who have a purpose, act today. It's okay if you have fallen a thousand times, don't stop! Get up, it might be the same this time. Search, develop, grow, work more on yourself! Don't give up hope every day you are given an opportunity. Don't look for excuses.... Never... don't look for excuses..

Are you not getting enough sleep at night? Are you out of strength?...If you work harder than today, someday people will work for you.

Stay away from people who have a bad opinion about you. Be purposeful with a plan! Link your life to goals. Try to find your own solution to the problems that arise. If you don't fight to find the solution to those problems, it will never end..Make time count...Every minute..Every hour seconds. Those SECONDS can bring success to your ascension. You may have made mistakes in the past. Don't dwell on those mistakes for too long. Draw conclusions from them! Draw conclusions from what those mistakes gave you and what they took away from you. Make a new decision! Make a plan for your life. If you dwell on the past for too long, you may miss the opportunities that have been given to you in your present life. Don't torture yourself with the past. Live only with the future. Be able to see your achievements in it. Action! Action and only Action! .,WITHOUT ACTION nothing can be achieved. Believe in your own strength and knowledge. 

Everything in this life will end. However, knowledge is an exception. No matter how much it is spent, it will not end. And its zakat is to give to others. If you say that you can act, hundreds of thousands of dying cells in your brain will be activated. You only and just believe in yourself. Put the "I must do it" thing in front. Test yourself every minute and second!

Author Bakhora Bakhtiyorova Asliddin's daughter was born 2006 21-March in the Republic of Uzbekistan. She is an international journalist and a monologist.