Essay from Dilfuza Namazova

Abstract: Day by day grows importance of learning foreign languages in Uzbekistan. This article reveals role and place of a foreign language in live of youth of the XXI century.
Keywords: Century, globalization, cultures, foreign language, social networks, modern techniques, language specialist, future, scope of thought, public policy.

At present, it is very important for everyone to know foreign languages. The process of globalization is increasingly taking place in the world, bilingualism is not just an interest, but also a demand of time. Even in state politics, the more languages the representative of that state knows, the faster and they are able to go on the path of perfect progress.

To what extent a foreign language is an important matter of reflection and what does it give us? This is how we can answer this question. First of all, it makes a person broadminded and has an influence on his external mind. Language plays an important role in the life of every person. You can travel freely if you know a foreign language. You will be in communication with people in a foreign state and you will receive insights into their thoughts. Knowing the language will be a great benefit if you also go out to a country. In addition, knowledge of a foreign language facilitates the use of modern techniques and social networks of the present day.

English is also a technical language. Almost 80% of social, remote networks are covered and explained in English. If the young people of the 21st century are able to speak a foreign language and speak
perfectly, then our state will achieve its progress only to a certain extent. In conclusion, I would like to say that English and also knowledge of the Russian language is the key to a new
opportunity for representatives of each field.

To communicate with people of different nationalities and from different countries in the world, several international languages are used. Among them, the most popular language was English and not by chance. After all, English is not just a language spoken in the US and the UK. Firstly, Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, many African countries and individual Asian states can be added here.

Secondly, it is more than just the language of individual countries.
English has been designated as the language of negotiation in international organizations such as the UN General Assembly, the European Security Alliance, UNESCO, NATO, the European
Union and the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). Society has repeatedly tried to find an alternative to the English language. This was done in order to equalize the chances of representatives of different nations in learning a foreign language.
These attempts led to the creation of several new languages, among which Esperanto became the most popular.

The author of “Esperanto” is Lazer Markovich Zamenhof, a linguist from Warsaw. The language was created in 1887, it took the author 10 years to develop it. However, at a certain point, development and popularization slowed down significantly. Presumably, the reason for
this was that the artificially created language has no history, while English has a rich history and deep roots. After all, it was spoken, sung and written by great musicians, poets, philosophers. That is why today international summits and negotiations are held in English,
the study of the world experience of colleagues in various fields and areas, important state documents are signed, meetings of presidents of different countries. International trade relations are conducted in English, the work of the financial and transport systems is carried

The role of the English language in the modern world is really great. It is studied in schools, universities, specialized English courses online and offline. Thanks to the progress in the field of digital technologies, everyone can learn an international language without leaving home. And such an approach in modern society is considered not just the norm, but a necessity. And this is despite the sufficient grammatical, morphological and lexical complexity of English for us.

After all, compared with the Russian language, English implies strict observance of the order of words when compiling sentences, and the structure of the language itself, although similar (unlike the same Chinese), still has many differences.

English belongs to the group of Germanic languages of the Indo-European language family. The number of people (native speakers) for whom English is native is about 600 million people. The number of people who speak English is over 1.5 billion.

Summing up the role, importance and relevance of the English language in the modern world, it is worth noting the following. Knowing an international language allows you to get more valuable information. Content on the Internet, films, music – all this is produced for the most part in English. Knowledge of the language will eliminate the distortion that may be present in the translation. In the modern world, not knowing English literally cuts you off from many achievements of civilization. You limit yourself to a relatively small dome of information and language instead of thinking more globally.

Again, most of the information on the Internet is in English (more than 54%). An international language allows you to get a
decent education at a prestigious university, a dream job and full communication with foreigners from any corner of the planet. If the young people of the 21st century are able to speak a foreign language and do it perfectly, then our state will achieve its progress only to a certain extent.

In conclusion, I would like to say that English language is the key to a new opportunity for representatives of each field.

1. https: //en.wikipediyaorf/wiki/List^of_language_proficieney_test.
4. UzNE.The first volume. Toshkent, 2000