Story from Shahnoza Ochildiyeva

Central Asian teen girl with long dark hair behind her head, brown eyes, a black and white flowered blouse, and a black jacket with a pin of the Uzbek flag on her chest. A background with clouds is behind her.
Shahnoza Ochildiyeva


     The moment when the sky pours its pain on the earth. Raindrops fall in buckets. If there was a happy person who is grateful for his/her life, he/ she would have already danced under this pleasant rain. Then, he would even smile with satisfaction, looking at his wet dress. But not everyone is happy with the sensational visit of the rain, especially a woman who was standing at the old roadside station with a child in her arms. She was always worried about her child, she didn’t even show that she was thinking about herself. She had been sitting here for an hour and was thinking about today’s difficult day.

    The city was still asleep when the bus reached the city center in the early morning. This young woman, who brought her child to the hospital, searched for a hospital on the outskirts of the city for a long time. Three or four months after the birth of her son, the child was diagnosed with an illness. Even if her son is 9 years old now, he could not walk. During these nine years, there was no hospital that the woman did not go to, no doctor that did not try to treat the baby.

All the doctors gave hope and said that he would be recovered. The woman was strong enough not to give up hope, even if she did not see any changes in her son after long treatments. When she heard about a new doctor through an acquaintance who lives in another region, she left without thinking. The wages she was saving for his son came back to him. When she reached the hospital, the city have already woke up. But people wait in line for weeks, sometimes even months for this professor. Of course, the woman did not know this. She did not know what to do.

Now, when she went to the hospital yard, the woman on duty ran after her and said that a patient had called a while ago to say that they can’t come because of  some reasons. The nurse gave the woman their turn. The woman was so happy that she thanked again and again. They had to wait in the yard until noon, but the woman was grateful for that. She sat down with her son on one of the beautiful seats in the yard. She whispered songs to her son and caressed him with kisses. At that moment, she saw a couple sitting on a seat a little further away, and her heart ached. The memories of the past came back to her scratching her tongue. Her childhood that playing and laughing at school, her sweet dreams, her unusual plans after graduation, her mother’s friend’s son who was chosen bride for her  and her beautiful life after the wedding, her happiness at the birth of her son, and her little baby’s illness.

The pains that she heard, one after another passed before her eyes. Finally, the memories stopped in front of the emotionless, cold face of her husband. This face is very familiar to her. She knows him better than she knows her own  name. Because he was a father who tried to treat his son more or less when he heard about his illness, but when it didn’t work, he left his son and had another family without shame! After the past events, the woman used to face this image twenty or thirty times a day, pouring out all her pain, anger and hatred. Even now, she was angry, her heart hurt so much that tears came out of her eyes. And she talked with her husband  in her imaginations: ” You have acted unscrupulously and unwillingly. You did not feel sorry for your son. How did your heart get used to leaving me alone in these difficult ways? Oh, you didn’t have a heart, did you?! What kind of father have you become… You have no conscience!” At that moment, it was their turn and her anger was instantly crushed like dust on the dirt road where a heavy truck had passed by. All his pains went away again.

     This time, as always, the professor examined her son for a long time. Then he gave a very beautiful hope and confidence. He followed by saying that she would prepare some documents and then she would have to stay for a week for treatment. The woman prepared all the documents and various analyzes of her son while running from here to there in a city she did not know well. It’s late. She rushed into the hospital. The nurse on duty accepted the documents and said calmly that they would start the treatment from Monday.

Only then, the woman’s mind was struck by the question of how they would get home at such a late hour. If it was possible to stay in the hospital now, she was ready to stay. But it is not possible. Impossible. When the woman reached the station with a heavy bag on one shoulder and her nine-year-old disabled son in her hand, the bus had already left and there were no taxis. It’s a 5-hour drive from the city till her home. She couldn’t afford to hire a car. So the woman realized that she had to find a place to stay. She even knocked on several gates. They did not regret it. Then the rain started and the woman took refuge at this station. Now, while sitting at the station, she asked a true way and help from the God! God never left him alone. He always showed a good path to this strong and kind-hearted mother. He used it now!   

A young couple passed by here, having a nice conversation under an umbrella. After walking for a while, they saw the woman and came back to her. When they found out about the mother’s condition, they were very sorry. The  young man took the mother’s son, and the girl took her luggage and led the woman behind them. After walking for five or ten minutes, they knocked on a small gate. An old woman opened the door. She opened it and immediately invited them to go in after seeing the guests. When she saw that they were crushed in the rain, she ran in all directions.

This old woman was still the grandmother of the young couple. The young man, who was orphaned by his parents, grew up with his grandmother. She got married recently. They are such open-minded and good people that they immediately became dear to the woman and her son. A beautiful table was prepared for the guests. They had a sincere conversation. Hearing the woman’s worries, the old grandmother prayed to God for healing for the boy. Hearing that the woman would return home the next day, the grandmother stubbornly persuaded her to stay here. While the woman was lying on the  bad while watching the rain from the window in the warm house, she kept thanking the  Allah.  

“All people in this world should be friends and dear to each other. Because we are all created by the same God. We all had the same beginning and the same destination. There is no stranger in this life! There are many good people! In many worlds. She showed me another one that I created today. Thank you”- the woman thought. Her son had already fell asleep. Mother looked at his curled eyelashes and said: “Be such this young man in the future, my dear son, people will be happy because of you!” Let those who are in dire straits hope. Get strength. Because of you, let people believe that there are many good people in the world. Let them strive to be good like you! Be good even if there are no good people around you! Love Allah! May God loves you too!”

Shahnoza Ochildiyeva


One thought on “Story from Shahnoza Ochildiyeva

  1. Shahnoza, the honesty and tenderness in your hearts comes forth in your lovely writing. I am happy to have read your work. Please take care and keep writing!

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