Count down the fall
Falling There lurks still fall---fall!
And—it keep on to where it stops.
Out fr’ dunder-dee clouditry.
Really? How come?
D’ deh kwyte vertrical roarozontinal fast falling nature of these spouse’s present.
( ) whoooooooooo down past—Top-mayor there?
Where it folds under itself down as far as it can and because’s where you’re fell to.
137 {milliseconds into the fall} nd down in this here clear air no don’t look down ( ) the wind 133 {seconds into the fall} past—log pole’s t-phone factory? Scrappo’s? Did’st thou say—Skrappo’? ( ) of the earsplitting kind? pantography Human nature to just keep on same but; all’d gone and all fall. 128 125 {milliseconds into the fall} Fling! Fly! Pop! Back! Catch! Squeak! Step! Fling! Fly! Pop! Back! Catch! Squeak! Step! Fling! Fly! Pop! Bac—
Isn’t this game great, great fun?
Yes it’s fun!
—k! Catch! Squeak! St—! Fl’ g’ y’ ss’ is’s—the end—the end—could the end be—really really near? Hot hickory [pillo] Hot hickory [pillo] 105 100 {milliseconds into the fall} there be pillows arranged all out for the falling? There be pillows arranged for the out falling out? [pillo] It bends under its ‘neath and all’s gone and all fall. All stop looking ahead. Human nature. 95 93 91 89 80 {milliseconds into the fall} I trust them they got brains they won’t let that ug uckily happen where on Earth are we destined for That is what happened to this town you know. 75 69 60 {milliseconds into the fall} [pillo] stormbushery’s roll’d over after all floods Pop Cubanore? This that b’ Pop Cubanore? 45 40 {milliseconds into the fall} hast not never seen my Pop Cubanore to dis day [pillo] why you do dis to me Gimi [why you do dis {pillo} to me] eh? Why shmush up me birdhouse, Gimi? Cab Krackelefish’d fer tunas just like deep down off that picture see Gimi just like deep down off that * esh?* This council. whack where on Earth are we destined for b b b where on Earth are we destined for That’s you. 35 22 22 {milliseconds into the fall} Pop Cubanore? This that b’ Pop Cubanore? upcmpashoosh this here tablesplat so; prepare 20 17 15 Why shmush up me nice l’il birdhouse Gimi? Fling! Fly! Pop! Back! Catch! Squeak! Step! Fling! Fly! Pop! Back! Catch! Squeak! Step! Fling! Fly! Pop! Bac—
Isn’t this game great, great fun?
Yes it’s fun!
—k! Catch! Squeak! St—! Fl’ g’ y’ ss’ please promptly prepare thy d-d-daily 10’s, {milliseconds into the fall} 8’s, {milliseconds into the fall} 7’s, {milliseconds into the fall} and 5’s {milliseconds into the fall} “suh”, prepare thy whatever soooooooo splat hast not never seen my Pop Cubanore to dis day whack whack whack
You stopped watching what’s coming.