Poetry from Ari Nystrom-Rice

I liked tracing

Currently thinking
about how
if I had to split my life in two

the before
and the after

it would start with watching
Avengers Endgame
in Daly City theater
on the week after opening weekend

For you, 
it was just like any day
you gave me everything.
But for me,
it was the day I noticed the cracks in my basin
the thin, hidden lines that have continued to widen
and from my point of view
I started to see
how they aligned up with yours
in a completely different way.
I wondered if they would grow into tendrils
and now I know
they would.

I am now afraid
of when, I hope
our lines might intertwine
and I won't know
where I want to end
as you pull
and push
and I don't know if its you or me

So I wonder,
if the creator teaches the created
or the creator can never end.