Essay from Sitora Otajonova

Central Asian teen girl with long wavy dark hair, brown eyes, a ruffly white blouse tying in the middle, and a blue vest with a white and gold design seated at a classroom desk.

Harmful habits that damage the mind

Today, as every field is becoming more perfect, harmful habits are also increasing. At the same time, the only thing that is required from humanity is awareness, vigilance, and at the same time, not obeying the ego.

As the other side of the coin, as new technologies are created, various flaws and dangers are increasing. Accordingly, efforts are being made to ensure security.

Nowadays digital technologies are the most developing field. For example, we can receive and transmit information on a global scale through social networks. We can make different friends, have multiple online achievements, communicate with loved ones from a distance through lighting-fast communication, in this regard, earn money from home through various business methods, and gain a profession through useful sites and applications. 

We can find useful aspects. But despite this, various fake clone sites, programs, dangerous streaming channels, hackers are poisoning people's brains and forcing them to band their heads against the wall. 

If we give an example, the above situations cannot be avoided by every person. In this case, a person should not be a slave to ego, he should be careful. At the same time, people suffered a lot, some managed to get out of this way, and some did not. 

Those who have received appropriate training are working to ensure security and raise awareness to fight against these factors.

That's why people are advised to always use social networks wisely, check their legitimacy, and not lose security. When this is followed, I think you will have a peaceful and enjoyable life.