Essay from Maknuna Oblaqulova

A person grows up in his mother's body before he is born. When a mother is upset, she is upset. If he is happy, he will be happy. When he comes to the world, he grows up with the warm love of his mother and the love of his father. Parents are the only people who cheered him when he was happy, cried when he cried, stood by him in any situation, encouraged him, gave their life, love and everything. 

However, some people forget how they grew up and those blessed people who gave their lives to take care of them when they were unable to do anything. This is a sad situation. Or, life time is not worth it. On the contrary, after his death, he remains in a vortex of a thousand regrets. That's what they say about time. A person should make good use of his time and appreciate his parents. It is a very right decision for him to give the love and attention that his parents gave him. My parents are my wealth. Because of them, I can get out of any situation. They are my people who have always helped me and taught me their life experiences. 

Up to this age, no matter what day I had, my parents always came to the first aid. They were happy and proud of me when I succeeded, and when I faced difficulties, they advised me to learn from my mistakes. They tried to make me study, even if it was hard for them. "Learn first. The rest will slowly come to you." - they said. 

If every person has two wings in front of him, that is, his parents, then he is a strong person. Regardless of the situation, a person should always move forward. Because he should never forget that his parents are behind him, trusting him and watching him. 

Our greatest wealth is the presence of our parents. Therefore, my dear person, appreciate your parents. Give them the love they give you. Appreciate your time and make the most of it, knowing that it's a treasure. Always try to make them happy by taking their blessings.

Oblokhulova Maknuna was born on July 18, 2003. 3rd year student of Termez State University. Likes to write creative works. The main goal is to always learn and never stop giving.

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