Essay from Charos Toshpulatova

Young teen Central Asian girl with dark straight hair and a black top.
Title of article: How many languages do you know?

  How many languages do you know? One or two, maybe more. But do you know how many languages there are in the world? According to estimates, 7,100 to 7,164 languages are spoken in the world today. This number is taken from the Ethnologue directory, which catalogs the world's known languages. It is important to remember that this estimate and the exact number are constantly changing. New languages are always being discovered, especially in remote areas, while others are disappearing. Unfortunately, many languages are in danger of disappearing. According to some data, half of the world's languages have already disappeared. As you can see, there are more languages than countries. and each language has its origin and history. Everyone loves, respects, and honors their native language. It is only through this language that we can know how any nation is living, developing, or, on the contrary, lagging and getting poorer. That is why it is not for nothing that they say: " Language is the mirror of the nation." 

 But would you believe me when I say that there is such a language that our tongue becomes weak when we speak it? Yes, there is such a language and it is Sign Language. Sign languages are not a single universal language, but rather a complete and complex set of languages used by deaf and hard of hearing communities around the world. Sign language relies on hand shapes, facial expressions, body language, and movement to convey meaning. They have their own grammar, syntax, and vocabulary, which are completely different from spoken languages. More than 300 different sign languages are used worldwide, with each country usually having its language. But sign languages are not mutually intelligible, meaning that someone who knows American Sign Language will not understand someone signing in French Sign Language (FSF). 

 But if we look at history, Gesture was born in 1951, when the World Federation of the Deaf (WFG) was born. The participants of the first World Congress of the Deaf decided to standardize the language of communication in international events. The need for such a unique "Esperanto sign" is connected with the participation of social workers and public figures from among the deaf together with laryngologists, audiologists, and psychologists in the work of congresses, conferences, and symposia devoted to the problems of deafness, teachers, engineers, and other professionals. On behalf of the WFM Bureau, a group of experts, with the participation of a Soviet representative, based on the generality of the speech gestures of the deaf in different countries during the course (similar gestures were selected or assigned from various European countries). developed a common international sign language over a quarter of a century. In 1973, the World Federation of the Deaf issued a simplified sign language dictionary. In 1975, at the VII World Congress of the Deaf in Washington, the International Sign (IS) was adopted and approved (along with English and French, the official languages of the World Federation of the Deaf). as well as at international events, at events of the World Federation of the Deaf. 

 In general, the reason I decided to write this article was because of the news information channels that I came across, and as a child, I remembered that in most TV news broadcasts or daily news, Sign language interpreters would also deliver the news together. But for some reason, it seems that it is difficult to find it now. Because we should not forget that this is also a language and hundreds of millions of people in the world use sign language to communicate.

Charos Toshpulatova was born in Uzbekistan on 2003 November 19.

Currently, she is studying at Soonchunhyang University (SCH) in South Korea. In addition in 2022, she was selected by the United Nations General Assembly as a delegate the Arab Youth International Model United Nations in Dubai, United Arab Emirates for represent Diplomat of Uzbekistan And 2023 she has been selected again to join the Best Diplomats United Nations Simulation Conference Crafting Future Leaders in the Post-Pandemic 
Era, 2023 in Istanbul, Türkiye.

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