Poetry from Marjona Xushvaqtova

Central Asian teen girls in white collared school uniform shirts and long dark braided hair standing in a line next to each other. The author of this piece is in the middle facing the camera.

We waited for you when we were children,
We used to run down the hill,
Blue-green grass is the strangest corner,
Bud reminded you today.

We would build a tent out of grass,
What a hero Clouds was.
We made wreaths, beautiful,
Your beauty was also a gem.

When I think about it, I don't appreciate you. 
I will not laugh with you when the time comes.
I didn't become your daughter, Marjon, 
I don't feel you com, spring...


Marjonabanu Khushvaktova was born on June 13, 2004 in Kokdala district of Kashkadarya region. Currently, she is a 2nd year student of Shahrisabz State Pedagogical Institute. Her creative works are in “Taloktepa tolei” , “Taloktepa tolei” selection book and “The smart youth of Uzbekistan”, “Raven Cage Zine”, “Page 3 News”, “Youth of Uzbekistan” “Yoshlar bayozi” and has been published in many international books, magazines, newspapers and anthologies, and is the owner of many diplomas and certificates.

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