Poetry from Zebiniso Aminova Habibullo qizi

Central Asian teen girl with a white headscarf, pink zipped jacket, and brown eyes standing in front of a set of TV screens.
Haven of Hearts

In the tapestry of life, one thread stands apart,  
Woven with love, stitched deep in the heart.  
A circle unbroken, a bond ever true,  
Family, the essence of me and of you.

Through laughter and tears, in moments of grace,  
We find our sanctuary, our sacred place.  
In the warmth of an embrace, the touch of a hand,  
We discover the strength to bravely stand.

In the whispers of wisdom from those who have known,  
The stories and secrets, the seeds we have sown.  
From the cradle of birth to the twilight of days,  
Family guides us in myriad ways.

A mother’s gentle smile, a father’s steady gaze,  
The comfort of siblings in childhood’s haze.  
Grandparents’ tales of times long gone,  
Echoes of heritage, forever drawn.

Through trials and triumphs, through joy and despair,  
In the arms of family, we are always aware.  
That no matter the distance, no matter the strife,  
Family is the compass, the anchor of life.

So here’s to the moments, both big and small,  
The gatherings, the partings, the echoes that call.  
To the love that is endless, the ties that bind,  
Family, the haven of heart and mind.

Aminova Zebiniso Habibullo qizi was born on April 29, 2005, in the Gʻijduvon district of Buxoro region.