Poetry from Pat Doyne


I dream of a landscape where greetings don’t flash fangs.
A family table where discussion is civil; folks listen—
don’t just wait to break in and berate those they hate.

I dream of a climate of inquiry; fair, open-minded,
where research is key, and critical thinking weighs facts.
Yes it’s a fantasy. Courtesy, tolerance, trust—

trampled to dust by the name-calling, self-righteous rants
of shock-jocks who rage about enemies, dangers from                      immigrants,
Muslims and Buddhists, gay couples, uppity women…

I dream of a land where the “great” days weren’t back in 

the ‘50’s,
and no one is trying to turn back the clock with grim laws—
rather, pursues equal rights, equal justice for all.

I dream.  Dream and hope. Harmony. Healing. I vote.