Poetry from Abdulrasheed Yakubu Ladan


In politics, beware, for interests collide

Nobody’s got your back, everyone’s on their own side

Dealing with politicians, a treacherous game

Sleep with tigers, eyes wide open, or you’ll feel the flames

Someone’s always being used, don’t be blind

If you can’t find the pawn, it’s you they’ll leave behind

Serving politicians, a temporary fix

Once the wound heals, your usefulness mixes

With dust and ashes, your value unseen

Politicians recognize needs, not loyalty or sheen

Don’t wail more than the bereaved, they’ll get the gain

While you inherit enemies, and endless pain

Choose your interests, when conflicts arise

Don’t sacrifice your own, for politicians’ compromise

Never cross oceans, for those who won’t cross the street

They’ll speak at your funeral, but won’t lift a finger to meet

Family and health, sacred and true

Don’t use them as pawns, in politics’ cruel game anew

It’s not that serious, don’t sacrifice your soul

For temporary rewards, that will eventually grow old

Youth, beware, don’t risk it all

Career, health, character, integrity, for politicians’ thrall

Unless you’re in control, with a long-term plan

Don’t sacrifice your future, for a fleeting politician’s hand.