Poem from Naeem Aziz

South Asian man, college student age, looking to our left in a graduation cap and gown in front of a brick building and a bookshelf.

Rule Over Ashes

In my country where shadows loom,

Ruler cast a pall of gloom.

When Justice Call,

Students stands tall.

They sacrificed their lives,

Answering the call.

They accepted martyrdom,

To bring justice for all.

To rule a nation

To rule a country,

Killing is the only key

Ruler thinks as glory.

Thousands were killed

Thousands were harmed,

Rule over Ashes

Is the way she learn.

If cruelty brings you joy,

Then you’re no human.

If you enjoy ruling over dead bodies,

Then you’re no human.

A heart of flesh, full of compassion,

In merciless acts, finds no fashion.

In false joy finds only hollow,

A human’s path they cannot follow.

Every single life matters

Is the song we play,

In the blink of time

Justice leads the way.

When darkness falls

We’ll light the night,

With patience and hope

We’ll set things right.