Poetry from Stephen Jarrell Williams

The Light Reaching Out

Night shades
compressing into the corner windows

setting the scene
blurring of dreams

walls and ceilings
slow leaning inward

beyond the outside buildings
dimly lit

quietly whistling

much has happened
much will continue

cancer webs hanging from the roofs
so many marked for the sting

political pillows given away freely
spider roots

the masses shadow banned
but more are beginning not to blink

open windows here and there
candle lights glowing in closets

a shot sounding
and the whistling snuffed

thoughts shrink
stillness overwhelming

but there's always some that break

lips moving
prayers filling hollow ears

so many repeating
as when a child

the longness of centuries
giving a tune to the heart


light opening their windows
as the whistling resumes
stronger than ever before.