Essay from Abduraximova Muyassarxon

Teen Central Asian girl under a leafy tree with white flowers. She's got long dark hair and a white collared blouse.

The Impact of a Legendary Teacher on a Girl’s Life

One cold winter night, a girl with a heart as pure as snow was born. Her parents called her Ice heart. Ice heart started school earlier than her peers. She was a bit shy and timid, which made it difficult for her to connect with classmates. After 6 years of school, she prepared for the entrance exam to a higher-level school. She studied for a month and took the exam. Two months later, she was overjoyed to be accepted. She immediately began attending classes but only stayed for two years. These types of schools were shut down and replaced with specialized schools under a new system. She continued her education at this new specialized school. This year marked a turning point in her life. Ice heart fell into deep despair, losing all motivation.

One day, a legendary teacher, who would play a crucial role in her life, entered her world. This teacher rescued Ice Heart from her despair and changed her life for the better. Thankfully, she had the opportunity to learn from this legendary teacher. Now, Ice heart holds the keys to success and good fortune.

That Ice Heart was me.

Abduraximova Muyassarxon Anvarjon qizi  was born on January 6, 2008, in Toshloq district, Ferghana region. Currently, she is a 10th-grade student at a specialized school in Toshloq district, Ferghana region.

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