Poetry from Mykyta Ryzhykh

5 poems (***)


strange pigeons

paint the night with their bodies

hungry children

beg while picking up pigeon crumbs


what does the right pike of a suicide exposed to the wind say?

what happens to the frostbitten left cheek?

mother’s biblical face turns silky as son pulls out graveyard surprise box from under his bed


internet people live the longest

a dog that died ten years ago still puts

likes on social media

instead of its killed dog owner


while God is sleeping the children press all sorts of buttons on his smartphone

and do not understand what this leads to

angels drink living water meanwhile and get drunk

what is the name of the little boy who will never become Jesus Christ?


wool-apple eyes of death

birds looking for a thought cage

and all the survivors turned into drowned people in a dispute with the ocean of the future

sand castles of childhood await the next tide

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