Poetry from Utso Bhattacharyya

Resilient Rising

In planning where present and future mix,

Sustainable aspirations with tomorrow’s fix.

We crave for harmony by nature’s grace,

May progress prevail in every place!

From lofty woods to oceans wide,

Sustainable goals will be our guide.

Development must thrive keeping in mind,

A sustainable sacred path  we need to find.

Renewable energies like sunbeam gleams,

We can cherish with sustainable dreams.

Let innovation flourish, let prudence guide,

For coming  generations yet to stride.

In the symphony of civilization, let’s play our part,

In sustainable development, a majestic art.

Communities prosper through restored balance,

Man and  nature persist with great reverence.

Eco-conscious minds allow innovative buds to bloom,

Treasures that we cherish for years are sustainable tombs.

Every intricate steps we make in this grand ballet,

Enables us removing darkness and arriving to a golden day.

Our  beacon of hope is ‘sustainable development.’

Bright future guided by this brilliant advent.

All the resources we have, are pretty scarce.

Green Energies are the tools, solution we searce.

In the core of progress, a whispered creed,

“Sustainable development, our urgent need.”

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