Poetry from Sandy Rochelle

Time -the great equalizer

Time is irrelevant  —  it never ends.

Here on earth or in some other realm.

We worry -Life is passing me ‘goodbye.’

I am getting older.

Well, of course- did you  expect to remain a pimpled teenager without life experience forever

What is the joy in that –what is the point of -No progress  and therefore no knowledge.

Ever hear the expression -‘No pain no gain.’

You have to earn it by living -it is not given away like water.

We contribute to the earth- and it is an honor to be able to do so.

Time can be cherished as a rite of passage or  condemned with a childish mind.

There is a reason we are born-age -live and exit.

Honor it and do something of value with it.

No one chooses to suffer-but that’s the road map to knowledge.

why do you think a baby cries at birth-they know what’s coming.

Glory and grief.

Both welcomed as part of the earthly gift.

Without struggle what would we be and where would we be.

Otherwise we would remain unknowing babes for all time and life would be unbearable and without meaning.

All the discoveries ever made were found in struggle and reward.

Be grateful for age -for as the saying goes- ‘With age comes Wisdom.’

And if wisdom does not accompany age that is not the fault of life itself-but of the person living it.

Take you gift of life and run with it.

Make the most of it.

Discover the meaning of the Universe.

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