Poetry from Mahmud Dzukogi


We have a tree near our house

With no root

But it spreads its arms over our home

In his body He has a pain

And that pain has a roof And that roof

Of pain does not have tears

I put up my hands of du’a

Over his body To give a root

That he doesn’t have

For a new life transpires

Pain again

This world is full of pain

Nothing but pain In our heart we cry In the face 

We are alive

I spread my hands

To go away from the pain Along with its darkness

To make happiness come over.

You evil devil

You evil devil, you keep me on your ways

I try not to be persuaded 

But you keep on poisoning my heart One day, my only one voice

Will kill all the evils

Through prayer and good works.

This world

This world is nothing but a dream Like the brain of the devil Touching the heart of a good soul

We are humans 

We are not the devil 

We have a pinch sympathy within our chests

Block the bad desires with yourprayers

Block them with salutations 

And let peace rule your existence 


The time is dead,

This time has paused,

Time has resigned from the body of this world, Time will be buried by non”o’clock , So now we shall write the time and reconstruct our deeds, because time was just in 

Mahmud Dzukogi is an artist, photographer and poet.

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