Story from Yusufjonova O’gilkhan

Young Central Asian woman stands with her hands outstretched in front of a waterfall. She's in jeans and a yellow sweater and carrying a black purse.


The dream had not yet fallen asleep. He was impatiently waiting for his brother to come home from work. Yes, today is that special day. That is, he and his brother spent the last day of every month together in front of the TV with a plate full of sweets.

Finally, the doorbell rang and his brother came home from work. Orzu ran and opened the door and greeted her brother with a beautiful smile. They took the corn and sweets that his brother had brought and went to the hall. Orzu went to the kitchen to make his brother’s favorite jasmine tea, and at this time, his brother found Orzu’s favorite cartoon on the TV. At last they began to love.

They lost their parents in a car accident three years ago. This event had a strong impact on Orzu, who did not smile or speak at all for a year. But one day when he and his brother were watching a new cartoon, Orzu smiled in his interesting place, and since then they have been watching this cartoon together.

When the cartoon came to the most interesting part, Orzu was pouring tea for his brother and suddenly the lid of the teapot fell into the cup. Then they laughed at each other. Because the same scene was happening in the cartoon. The brother and sister sat up until midnight and wished each other good night and went to sleep

After an hour, Orzu woke up from severe pain. Her stomach was hurting badly. Se didn’t want to wake up his brother because he had to go to work in the morning. For this reason, she went to the kitchen and looked for painkillers, but there were none left. She went into her room and tried to bear it, thinking that it would go away if she waited till morning. But near morning, the pain increased, and Orzu passed out. The brother woke up for morning prayer and called his sister several times, but when he didn’t get an answer, he went into his sister’s room and cried when he saw her lying on the

The brother, who did not understand what happened to his sister, called the ambulance, explained the address in a crying voice and begged them to come as soon as possible. The brother was so scared that he took his sister in his arms and kept crying and praying. Soon the doctors arrived and after examining Orzu diagnosed that his appendix might have ruptured and took him to the hospital.

His brother kept begging God. He kept praying for Orzuni to get
well from the operation. Finally, the operation was over and the doctors allowed him to see his sister. His brother ran ahead and brought the red tulips that Orzu loved. He went to his sister and cried again.

Orzu didn’t know what to say or how to comfort her brother, suddenly she laughed and asked her brother, “Brother, you promised to take me to the park, but did you bring flowers so that you wouldn’t?” and his brother laughed along with his sister.

Thus they overcome one more challenge. On the day his sister was released from the hospital, her brother decorated the house and the bed with things Orzu liked. Now they are happy again. Happy again. His brother thanked God for saving his only sister, who was left behind by his parents.

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