Poetry from J.J. Campbell

Middle aged white man with a beard standing in a bedroom with posters on the walls
J.J. Campbell


scribbling down some poems

sitting in the

waiting room

watching all

these people

come in and

decide to sit

on the other

side of the

waiting room

as i’m sitting

here scribbling

down some


crazy wins



better when drinking

she had eyes

of the deepest


i was too poor

to even think

i could get a

chance with


so beautiful

she bought

me a drink

one morning

after work

we started to

talk and play

a little pool

she didn’t know

i play better

when drinking


i was supposed

to let her win


hello is a better choice

a steamy eyed

vixen says hello

my first instinct

is to ask how

much money

does this cost

i figure hello is

a better choice

of course, a few

days later and it

will be questions

of how much can

i spend on a gift

card or anything

for them

humans have this

constant ability

to do nothing

but disappoint



the better of me

i once asked burroughs

to cook me up a shot

fucker kept it

for himself

i used to dance naked

in the rain until time

got the better of me

she tasted like clove

cigarettes and trouble

i should have married

her on a tuesday

coltrane plays me

down from the ledge

yet, i can’t shake the

haunting feeling that

all good men fucking


endless regret wrapped

inside a lover’s lament

yet another tootsie roll

i won’t get to lick

flirting with death

like a whore at last


i never thought

loneliness would

be the hill i’d die



the simmering rage

say hello to the pain

to each wrong step

that brings about


say hello to fucking


bumper to bumper

for no fucking

reason at all

say hello to the anger

the simmering rage

and the final days

where you’ll be able

to control it

say hello to dysfunction

the guiding light

through every dark


J.J. Campbell (1976 – ?) is slowly wasting away in the suburbs. He’s been widely published over the years, most recently at The Rye Whiskey Review, Horror Sleaze Trash Quarterly, Mad Swirl, The Beatnik Cowboy and Disturb the Universe Magazine. He has a few copies of his book with Casey Renee Kiser, Altered States of The Unflinching Souls, for sale. You can find him most days on his mildly entertaining blog, evil delights.

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