Essay from Sharipov Dilshod Bakhshullayevich



Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute

Senior teacher of the “Social Sciences” department,

Republic of Uzbekistan


Аннотация: В данной статье автор определяет «общество wi-fi», влияющие факторы на него, информационное участие в обществах запада и востока и влияние информации на слои общества, принесены некоторые социологические и дидактические мысли и анализы по получению информации и в целом информационное участие молодёжи в обеспечение мира в обществе.

Ключевые слова: молодежь, родитель, учитель, общество, информация, медиапродукт, медиаобразование, интернет, «общество wi-fi», глобализация, мир, мирное сознание.

Abstract: In this article, the author describes the “wi-fi society”, the factors affecting it, information participation in western and eastern societies and the impact of information on the layers of society, some sociological and didactic thoughts and analyzes on obtaining information and informational participation of young people in ensuring peace in society.

Keywords: youth, parent, teacher, society, information, media product, media education, internet, “wi-fi society”, globalization, peace, peace consciousness.

It is known that in the current globalization conditions, the formation of peace consciousness among people, communities, nations and societies, states and regions and ensuring peace is the most important issue. Ensuring sustainable peace and development is becoming more important than ever.

In the era of the development of the media, especially in the era of the development of internet-journalism, the selection of any information, the evaluation of the emotions and worldviews that come or are conveyed through the process of globalization, certainly creates the need to form an information culture in every person, first of all, in our youth.

What is information? What is information participation? Young people, in general, what is the information culture of all Internet users, is there a measure or scale of this issue? What is the state of spirituality or culture on the Internet? What are moral factors and their role in using the Internet? Isn’t the concept of morality falling behind the “domestic desires” of society members? What common and simple “immune systems” exist against the manipulation carried out by the mass media and media products?

In the era of the development of Internet and Telegram channels, most social groups, teams in workplaces, any person who is active in higher educational institutions and professions, and in general social relations, communicate through telephone, Internet/telegram communication. Each of us is an information consumer. It has been a long time since information has become a media product.

Various markets, people’s occupations, including household affairs, official channels are becoming a daily source of information. Different social strata of the people look for the information they like, everyone looks for the information that is of interest to them. A researcher who wants to do scientific work will look for OAK sites, connect to official channels, like journals and networks with various scientific news and innovation. Housewives watch channels that cook all kinds of pastries. Parents watch the channel administrated by the headmaster of the school where their children are studying, and they see the site Masters see master sites. Auto repairer and drivers view social media/channels related to auto service.

There are almost no houses, streets, or workplaces without WI-FI – people can enjoy a concert program or a music video of their favorite singer when they are tired from work. Or people can order food from the comfort of their homes by phone or online. Thanks to WI-FI, the pace of life has changed and accelerated.

In today’s media world, you can order any product you want through a social network. These are also conveniences for the people, this is also a trend observed worldwide. Phone companies are engaging their customers with various internet packages through various promotions. But at the same time, the phone and the Internet have become a source of good and bad, goodness and evil. How can this be explained?

First, the internet has anything (information) you want and you can get as much information as you want. The Internet has become a total information space. As the media field and the mediasphere expands, it goes towards infinity.

Second, the Internet has no owner, but the entire population of the globe uses it. This is one of the biggest risks for all subjects who are internet users. Because in society, the thing that is owned does not exist, and the thing that is not owned is dangerous.

Thirdly, the Internet can be used by all the peoples of the earth, which differ in their culture and lifestyle, mentality and moral dimensions or criteria, political systems and systems, political and religious views, social and national issues. In the age of the global information society, something that is a common and everyday thing in European and “western civilization” societies in general may not be accepted in Islamic and Eastern countries. However, in the Eastern world, there are religions such as Islam, Buddhism, Shintoism, Hinduism, and Christianity/Orthodox. This “no-acceptance list” includes marriage (is it necessary/absent), family building (attitudes), independent opinion of young people (is it possible/not to marry independently), the head of government (or the leader of this or that political force) in parliamentary debates , of course, whether it is possible to make a well-founded criticism) etc. can be included. Islam is absolutely against national discrimination, religious and racial discrimination. At the same time, this difference is clearly visible in issues such as tolerance, tolerance and the right to freedom of belief.

There are also some differences in continuing education and teaching technology. For example, no eastern nation burns the holy book of another nation in front of the public, under the permission and protection of the special police (it was observed several times in Swedish society), or caricature the holy person of another nation or entire nations and bring it to a history lesson. vices do not exist. It is inexcusable that such senseless and unspiritual actions were supported by the official politicians and leaders of those societies. Don’t you think that these societies are recognized as examples of democracy and political culture?!

An independent position or an independent worldview is a cultural expression of freedom, or it should be that it should not be at the cost of restricting someone’s rights, but should be related to the integrity (inseparability) of each person (in this society, in life) and the indivisibility and limitation of the integral rights. No Muslim person will caricature Jesus – because in Islam, a Muslim does not insult the name of a Muslim, he respects the prophet – this is a condition of faith. Or, no Muslim will desecrate and burn the Bible in front of the public, or under cover of it, etc. All this is what Oswald Spengler once wrote about “the fading of Europe (the sun)”, which means that the values ​​that have been formed and preserved for centuries are being eroded from the roots in some societies. The historical fact is that the European continent is the starting point of both world wars. It is also true that the “European concert” (G. Kissenger’s expression) played the whole globe to its “song”. However, as a center of modern civilization, many learners, job seekers, and peace and political asylum seekers from all over the world are looking for Europe. So, development has always attracted others to itself, occupied the center of human interests… Or family education work, the relationship in building a family is also different. Because ideas, values, ideals and cultures are different. Differences are also visible in the differentiation of information. Today’s society is governed by information. For this reason, media culture and information participation are gaining importance in the information society.

Fourthly, there are all the shows on the internet that have the evils of cruelty, terror and obscenity with scenes of oppression, blood and the like. This leaves aside all the positive aspects of the internet and shows the negative ideological-ideological aspects of the internet.

Some media products can serve to depersonalize and de-ideologize society – nothing happens as it is; nothing happens by itself; and nothing exists by itself; and worst of all – nothing can replace the personal depreciation and so on. Every move can be a product of “big game”, various political “settings”, or really some societies are really becoming demoralized – and it is impossible to determine this – this is the Internet – this ocean, it is impossible to look for something special. .

The internet has no morals. Behavior is in the individual. But both of them can be used for the peace of society, prosperity of nations and human happiness.

Fifth, in societies where bread and education and human survival are still a problem, the penetration of the Internet and communication into the society or the way of life of the society may be far away.

In today’s increasingly complex and tumultuous world politics, this issue is evident in some societies that are in turmoil, or in societies that have not developed programs to get out of poverty.

At the moment, peace on earth, being the greatest blessing, is falling to the level of the most despised value – this is being watched not only by the mass media, but also by social networks.

Sixth, at the same time, the Internet has become a sign of progress and development, a factor of integration of (some) society with the world community.

Nowadays, international communication of ordinary people, communities, social groups is increasing more than political structures. Because it is determined by many factors, such as work or finding a job, studying or getting an education, learning the secret of a profession or trade, interests or free time, and cooperation and solidarity in official organizations and communities. In today’s communication, e-mail and telegram channels are the main means of communication. Scientific circles, scientists, specialists can participate in online conferences, webinars or defense of scientific work, one or another course from their office or home; they can learn a language, take lessons, post video lessons. From the other side of the world, you can publish a scientific article in a famous magazine on the other side, or you can go to the website of the University of Chicago, any so-called “open” (i.e. free) library through your personal laptop and download this or that article, book, Oxford, Harvard and other universities. you can see free “open classes” on social networks on the Internet, in particular, on “Google”, “YouTube” (although these free classes on the networks serve as an advertisement for the higher education institution, but as a good ped-technology and methodical guide for the people of science on the way to learning) can serve) and so on.

Seventh, we should introduce “wi-fi hygiene” in the family and in educational organizations – this should be determined by a single date and announced as a day without internet, and everyone should follow it. Because we need to pay close attention to internet hygiene and internet ethics, which are the main rules of media education, and we should introduce our children to honest work, education, reading books, professions, and nature, without exposing them to phones and computers as a condition of the “technological age” from childhood. it is permissible for us to teach to love. We need to instill nursery care into the child’s mind from an early age. Honorable President Sh.M.Mirziyoev’s work “New Development Strategy of Uzbekistan” rightly emphasized one fact: “Because now our children are being “educated” not by parents, kindergartens, schools and institutes, but in most cases by the phone in their hands.” Unfortunately, this small phone is no longer a simple means of communication, it is often turning into a big weapon that promotes foreign ideology, a source that spreads the “virus” of violence and evil, we would be telling the truth” [Shavkat Mirziyoyev, 2022, p. 284]. In this statement, the phrase “the phone is “educating”” is in quotation marks and can be interpreted as “the phone is leading”, “seeing through the phone”, “connecting to the phone”. Because in some cases, by uploading the tasks to the phone, the parents give the child the right understanding and the right way about the upbringing, kindness, etiquette between adults and children, and the culture of behavior in society in general. We think that they are not paying attention.

Also, our children go through all kinds of manipulative mental processes such as igromania, cinemania, mobimania, sometimes if you see adults playing “games” on the phone or computer – you wonder what happened to people, why they are the greatest of blessings – time and health. We think that they should spend it in vain. Or, as a result of the advertisement of certain products, which is repeated over and over again on television, the whole nation puts only that product on their family and relatives’ events – “because it is advertised”, they say, “good things are advertised”. If we name them now, it will be an advertisement. In fact, it is called mind manipulation. Social consciousness does this in reflexive conditions, because social consciousness does not have a mind, a mental state of the world. The mind is in the person, the outlook is in the person, the behavior is in the person, and so on.

American sociologist Alvin Toffler in his work “Third Wave” made a prophetic conclusion regarding the concept of “wi-fi society” that we are emphasizing (considering the consequences of social development and technological changes) before the advent of the Internet age: “A new technosphere together with a new other-sphere (also) is taking shape, and it has (will) far-reaching complications that cover all areas of life, especially our consciousness (covers)” [Elvin Toffler 1999. p.276-277].

Know-how, innovation and any (technological) innovation is supported by any society aiming at proper, sustainable development. The idea of ​​sustainable development should also demonstrate the commitment of the international and global “wi-fi community” to the principles of peace. But any technological innovation should not lead away from a certain value system of the society, and ultimately should serve the well-being of the society and human happiness.

Eighth, media education penetrates into everyday life and explores the issues of our information security – because it is connected to the rights of the person, individual life, right to life, privacy. For example, on October 25, 2023, the demonstration of the “arm’s length stroller” of the “Junama” company was leaked to the social networks of our Republic – this is an innovation, a novelty, well, of course. When the marketer presented the “hand-end stroller”, she demonstrated that she could turn, follow, and “wheel” this household item without touching it with her index finger. But what is the purpose of creating a stroller – why does the buyer, the consumer buy it – to turn the baby in the fresh air, to help with child care – if the product is turned at the tip of the hand and controlled with finger gestures, the attention, education, care is not on the child inside the stroller, “foreigner” ”, “valuable”, “excellent” – the demonstration becomes more important – it is not important – what will happen to the child – will the young man not cripple his child in order to gain prestige in front of women and girls, the way to treat a person as a human being will fail, which will affect the rights of the child contrary to the inherent right of the child. It’s like putting a phone in a young child’s hand. However, the rays coming from the phone, constriction of the eye vessels, enlargement of the pupil, etc., have a negative effect on the child’s health. We believe that in this matter, the symptoms that lead to psychological stress should be researched separately, and special “smart commercials” should be developed and presented to the public on TV – this would also be a way to teach “wi-fi hygiene” and call for a healthy spiritual lifestyle.

The telephone and the Internet are a means of communication and communication, a source of information for young people and adults – this cannot be limited to anyone, of course. But the culture of using it should be explained by parents at home, and by teachers and coaches at educational centers. Unlimited opportunities and unlimited values ​​may hinder or develop the abilities of an individual, because some achieved result may create “sufficiency coefficient” and lead to static in the mental state of mind and mental development. And life is a lifelong dynamic event, consisting of change and development. In order to survive in it, it is necessary to rely on certain values. A person without value, society loses its way, suppresses the idea of ​​development from the social consciousness – even if it is developed, it remains undeveloped – a phenomenon of statics occurs under the imagination of dynamics. This also applies to the “wi-fi community”.

At the same time, young people, due to their youthful curiosity, may turn from the “information menu” in the media field into witnesses of social situations or relationships that are foreign to them, and become participants (such information) – this may have legal, political, and moral complications. Because young people are interested in expressing their opinion by seeing a situation in a certain network, reacting to it, putting a like or other emoticons – we, teachers, parents should show our young people the right way to do this. “Father of cybernetics” (founder) N. Wiener “information is a meaningful signal from the external world as a result of our adaptation to it and the process of adaptation of our emotions to it” [Yakupov P.V. 2016.s.261], does not describe it in vain. Feelings, like mind and consciousness, should be pure, but information and the world of information are not – there is no such thing as pure information or pure information space, or all information does not serve our Self.

So, how to form or implement the culture of information selection in the society?

For this, we believe that every parent and employer in the field of education and workplaces should be medically literate. For this reason, UNESCO describes media education as a lifelong discipline. The English scientist L. Masterman wrote that “Media education is a lifelong process” [Masterman, L. A. R. 42].

With the increase of information channels, the role of television or other types of mass media in people’s life is weakening, reading newspapers and magazines is decreasing in our society, such a culture is becoming a historical memory. True, our people have long watched TV programs, in particular, entertainment, various shows, watch movies, but at the same time, they always monitor various social networks through the phone (the Internet or “wi-fi”), their favorite they listen to music from their creators, watch clips, communicate with their friends or, let’s say, get the relevant information they need.

A “wi-fi society” is rapidly forming in our society. “Wi-Fi society” means the use of the Internet by almost all strata of a certain society, streets, families and houses, trade and service, household and general social life systems, education, profession, language, science, and information. we mean the lack of restrictions, the development of communication and communication tools, the development of internal and external intercultural cooperation, the socialization processes of young people, the development of household or home information participation, the rapid growth of household journalism, blogging and consumer culture. Even the streets and apartments where newspapers and magazines are not read or not entered have Wi-Fi, there are almost no areas and strata that are not reached by the Internet.

So, we understand that there are no areas of social life and people’s lifestyle that the Internet has not penetrated. In such a society, there is unlimited Internet in every household, and everyone – young and old – uses the Internet, in which the education of young people, checking the channels for receiving information, directing them to networks that are interesting and useful according to their educational direction and interests, and Internet hygiene, which we emphasize, “wi-fi Teaching hygiene is the responsibility of parents and adults. This is explained by the fact that people’s access to information through the Internet has greatly expanded in society, and it has penetrated not only young people, but all layers of society. It also shows that there is no center or specific program that monitors or evaluates all this, or researches or researches the criteria and laws of social thought and social consciousness, the consciousness of peace or the spirit of pacifism. However, it is becoming clear that there is a need for projects that are specifically developed and thought out in this matter, as well as spiritual, sociological, psychological and political research.


1. Shavkat Mirziyoyev. Development strategy of new Uzbekistan. – T.: “Uzbekistan”. 2022. 440 pages.

2. Alvin Toffler. THREE WOOL. Moscow. AST.1999.783 pages.

3. Yakupov P.V. Communication: opredelenie ponyatiya, vidy kommunikatsii i ee barery// Vestnik universiteta (MGU). Social structures, institutes and processes. – 2016. – S. 261-263.

4. Masterman, L. A Rationale for Media Education. In: Kubey, R. (Ed.) Media Literacy in the Information Age. – New Brunswick & London: Transaction Publishers. 1997.

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