Essay from Dr. Jernail S. Anand

Older seated South Asian man in a purple turban and purple suit.


“When we have words, why come to swords?” – Anand

Terror is generally assumed to be a sect which writes the word  ‘world’ in fire and treats it with bombs. A faith which is practised by a few people who feel they have been maltreated by the majority. It is a way of taking on the world with a fiery might, and force the  world to consider what wrong they have committed. It is giving the civilization a turn to the right by blasting the left side. 


There are a large number of  people in the world who really believe in peace and tranquillity. These are the people who have imbibed the essence of their respective religions. Who believe in their job, and in comparative peace which means, living in co-existence. Because the number of such people is far greater than those who want to destabilize the world and destroy it, for their injured merit, world peace has a chance, and it is still a veritable movement. 

Between these two extremes, is a third section of world society, who are not actively engaged in acts of terror, but who also do not believe in a happy world. They do not use bombs, but they take recourse to philosophy, or no philosophy, and these are the people who harbour hatred for peace and good will, and who keep on harping on a world on the boil which they think is the best. They have words charged with high hyperbole which do not inspire, but instigate mindless people to act. They throw words which fall on the world society as bombs. They have no faith in the multi-world that we are living in. 

The reality of the world is that no single sect or religion can claim to possess  ultimate truth. Each religion and each Prophet was right in his own right. He talked of God, of godliness, of goodness and co-existence. But they turned belligerent and took to swords when their followers wanted to multiply their power, because power lay in the increasing number of followers.  Then, they fought the unbelievers, vanquished them, and converted them, or the powerful happened to eliminate the less powerful.

This world has been like this.  If not terror, love for violence runs in our arteries. And what really surprises gods is not when we are talking of violence, but they are shaken with disbelief when they see us talking of peace. They know, we are not so much religious as political, and the most religious of us are called ‘statesmen’ in a high flown language.   

I was talking of the third sector in the world population who have a blood stream in which violence remains at the subterranean level, and surfaces very rarely yet, there is no possibility it can be eliminated altogether. These are the people who are the real leaders of the terror-mongers in the world. These are the people who phrase words and sentences in such a way, that they appear to be talking of peace, but actually, they end up stoking fires of distrust and mutual acrimony. They throw words, which the front runners, turn into bombs. In fact, the these are the people who justify what the real terror groups are doing. They are not spreading hatred. They are acting it out. They do not spread the idea of killings. They actually inflict killings.

They are the end-users of the ideas of ultimate acrimony between nations, groups and individuals. We should not forget that no action is self-created, or complete in itself. Every action is rooted in society. There are a huge majority of people who support what they are doing. If the entire world enounces terror, it would be finished in no time. The problem with the world is there are huge chunks of people, the third sector, as I mentioned above, who utter such words and phrases and coin slogans, which boil the blood of the trigger-happy youth. Add to it the religious massage, of their minds, which tells them, they are acting at the behest of gods. 


The most dangerous segment of terror is not those who inflict it, they are not many, and the world governments are capable of keeping them contained and constrained. That is why, terror activities are few and far between. But what is constantly happening is the role of third sector of society which keeps the pot boiling.

They are dignified members of social groups, mostly politically empowered and religiously well placed. They are the conduits of the killer philosophies. They are in every religion, in every society, and every sect, and their voice carries weight. If we want to fight terror, we should understand that bombs and swords are not terror. Nor the hands that throw grenades. The real terrorists are those who make these hands move, and these minds astir with base passions and dingy dreams of blood and gore. Gods have nothing to do with such acts. They do not patronise anyone who sets out to kill people or devastate homes. Those who organize mass killings are people who have lost their way. And, the real people who are responsible for this trade of terror are those who direct their steps, who tell the way, and who call it officially correct. Rather than religious, terror is a political game, and the philosophers of terror use the lesser mortals as cat’s paw.

To combat terror, strong arm methods of prevention are already in position. But I think they need to be disabled at the philosophical level also. We need a movement that believes in transforming the extreme philosophies to look at things more rationally so that the precious lives of those who are killed in encounters could be saved. When we have words, why come to swords? 

Author: Dr. Jernail Singh Anand, President of the International Academy of Ethics, is the author of 167 books in English poetry, fiction, non-fiction, philosophy, and spirituality. He was awarded Charter of Morava, the great Award by Serbian Writers Association, Belgrade, and his name was engraved on the Poets’ Rock in Serbia. The Academy of Arts and philosophical Sciences of Bari  [Italy] honored him with the award of  Seneca Award Laudis Charta. Recently, he was awarded Doctor of Philosophy [Honoris Causa] by the University of Engg and Management, Jaipur. Recently, he organized an International Conference on Contemporary Ethics at Chandigarh. His most phenomenal book is Lustus:The Prince of Darkness [first epic of the Mahkaal Trilogy]. [Email: Mobile: 919876652401[Whatsapp] []Link Bibliography:

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