Men and Society
Society creates a structure to survive
Men would have to live through the hard means, sometimes with a knife.
Men have to pay for being masculine
Their objection Is out of line
The subjugation of this specie in accordance to the agenda align
Sadly, most men can’t meet up with the current society’s demands
They are faced with tasks that are of threatening commands
Men are evaluated based on their purchasing power
Society creates structures that dwindle the ability to be the builders
They are not genuinely loved by women
Living ATM machines are what women see men
So, it because uphill seeking love from a people who are emotional
Men know this to be carnal
If men can’t provide they are relegated as being irresponsible
They are being treated as being unrecognizable
If there be children, it becomes more of a burden
The pressure on men becomes more of a struggle den
It appears the struggle of men is their fate.
Existence, can you answer me?
Am I just here to exist to exit?
What if the live I’m living is a function of an esoteric transit?
Are my living or just here to add to the ecosystem?
Is nature fair to my living?
How did I get here in the first place?
What tells me I’m living?
Was I told to live?
Is living a culture I was indoctrinated with?
Could I be living a life of death?
Could I be dreaming in the name of living?
Could death be the real existence?
Who told me I was a man?
How sure is it that I’m a woman?
Could sleep be an in-between of life and death?
Is life living a purpose?
What’s the purpose?
Is that realistic rather than an illusion?
In fact, is life just a phase or a complete illusion?
Could my living be a function of my birth to the time of death?
How realistic is time?
Is it a construct or what I was programmed with, from time of birth to death?
Could the past, present and future exist in the NOW?
Who am I?
An identity given to me by my parents?
Are the teachings by parents, schools and religious houses define the life I ought to live?
What lies after I die?
Does my soul migrate to other worlds or just vanish into the thin air of infinity?
Is heaven or hell here on Earth or somewhat in the Great Beyond?
Could death be an ease of living
Are my living in an illusion?
What’s reality? Or a
Patterned illusion?
Is Nature real?
Could I be a living version of holographic consciousness?
Am I being told the truth or being lied to?
Am I educated or just indoctrinated?
Where lies the truth about my existence?
Or is this what I would live with within the construct, known as time?
Existence, can you answer my questions?
My Belief
It shapes me and how I see the world
It forms my underlining principles against the odd
It is the pivot of my rationale
It is the make-up of my aspirations above every minimal
It is a decider to the company I keep
The connection between me and my kind is deep
Away from my belief…
I have come to realization of the world is no wrong that what’s left isn’t right
And what should be right isn’t left
The deviation from my belief recognize the world is in a R.A.W state,
Right And Wrong is actually what the world is!
Back to my belief….
The tree of my life’s essence
The definition of my greatness
The character of my goodness
The fountain of my meekness
The foundation of my benevolence
The state of my carefulness
My belief is my life;
It makes me free from the knife
It keeps in me line, despite prevailing strife
I’m confident of its efficacy
That’s why I’m sure of its accuracy
I’m a living proof of my belief
My daily aspiration
I wake in the morning in anticipation of a great day
It’s a necessity I plan out workable ways
Lo and behold, I have to put things in order before I set out
In the cause of the day, I work out
The realization of challenges emerges
I have to put up with the surges
The stress,
The behaviours of people,
The unsettling environment,
I have to endure
That’s what it takes to measure
I’m almost forced to give in
My good character couldn’t fit in
I had to develop a tough skin to handle the difficulties
It was imperative I severe negative ties
To achieve my set objectives for the day,
Come what may
Mingling with well-meaning persons is a boost
That’s not in my place to unwisely boast
Exchanging great ideas to advance my agenda
Learning from their wealth of wisdom
To become behaviorally better
With the peace of mind and fulfilment of purpose for the day,
I’m good to go
That’s the daily motto
A man is the gatekeeper to marriage
It is expected of him to be comfortable at his age
He is expected to provide and protect
That’s what his role actually meant
He searches for a help-meet
A difficult task it is, he gives his best shot to a woman of his choice
A woman eventually gives in to his poise
The union begins
A tough journey, it means
Trying to understand each other makes things complicated
Her expectations are overrated
His trying to be responsible within his means
She seems not to comprehend how he handles his things
Two people from separate backgrounds
To live under one roof to face the odds
He thinks he’s in love with her
Only to find out he’s expectation of love from her is far
She’s in business based on what she stands to gain
At times, this could come out of his pain
He looks up to his mentor
He sees his case is minor
He faces his business to save his relationship
His woman has turned the union to a situationship
She’s seeking other options
Because there are no available options on his side
He gives her his all
But she wants the unaffordable mall
Her backup plans for other options are at her beck and call
He becomes disturbed and decides to rise tall
Sadly, he realizes she’s all about her feelings
Not what he has to offer from his belongings
After all said and done,
The differences become irreconcilable
With or without the children, the separation becomes inevitable
He understands the game has been rigged
Participating wisely is the only it can be fixed
But wonders “what do men exclusively gain from marriage”?
The Life Of A Man
He wants to live a life of ease
But wants and desire create has created dis-ease
He is at war with himself and world
Because he’s faced with the odd
From birth, the tag of masculinity becomes a daunting task
He would wished he has his mask on to dodge responsibility
but the mindset of being a man can’t rule out accountability
The struggle continues…
There has to be patience in his manner of approach
Else, he would be face with reproach
The need for self improvement sets in
The development is ongoing even in that inn
All the time, he wished for better days ahead
But it’s sad no one really cared
He has to move on with life
Even though his challenges are like a knife
The pressure to become his aspirations on him mounts each day
He’s bothered because he’s yet to find the way
There’s an urge to cut corners
His good conscience wonders
Working legitimately becomes his watch-word
He puts his health on the line for the wealth
Sacrifices present pleasures for future treasures
Time is not his friend
He fears his financial clock might end
He puts in every effort to make things work
Stress begin to lurk
He has to persist, at the expense of his health
To make wealth
After years of long suffering, he makes it
There comes a ‘but’ that makes his struggle not worth it
He has a disease
Made possible by his inability to address his past dis-ease
He uses his wealth earned from his struggle to improve his health
There’s a slim chance he would live to enjoy his sweat
His struggle is the legacy he met
The struggle of a man is his undoing
Life Happened…
If you are a winner, life happened
If you are a loser, life happened
If you succeed, life happens
If you lose, life happened
If you are married, life happened
If you are single, life happened
If you are sick, life happened
If you are healthy, life happened
If you have children, life happened
If you are childless, life happened
If you came from a wealthy home, life happened
If you came from a poor home, life happened
If you believe in something, life happened
If you believe in nothing, life happened,
If you marry a good spouse, life happened,
If you marry a bad spouse, life happened
If you are the first, life happened
If you are the last, life happened
If you are the favorite, life happened
If you are the least, life happened
If you are rich, life happened
If you are poor, life happened
If you are a lender, life happened
If you are a borrower, life happened
If you are purposeful, life happened
If you are careless, life happened
If you are available, life happened
If you are scarce, life happened
If you are worth it, life happened,
If you are worthless, life happened
If you are diligent life happened
If you are indolent, life happened
If you are happy, life happened
If you are sad, life happened,
If you live long, life happened
If you die young, life happened
Life happened to us all…
The Life Of A Man
He’s mandated to commence his responsibility at the times of Morning
He’s anticipated to meet up every task set before him at the times of the Afternoon
He’s to ensure everything he does gets applauded by society at the times of Night
He has to be on his guard at the times which are Not Obviously Waiting
He’s expected to implore the mindset of being successful at all times
He’s looked at as a living resource factor to be drained by those who would, at times of want
He’s pocket has to contain what needs to be taken away, for one thing or the other, at times of need.
He’s someone who supposed to be that struggling entity for everyone’s enrichment, at times of taking care of himself
He’s anticipated to suddenly die from the stress from his struggle, possibly at the times of his prime
The Life of a man is like a pathetic zombie: struggle to die.