Poetry from Paul Durand

Andy Warhol at his exhibition at the Palazzo dei Diamanti in Ferrara, 1975. He's got short gray hair, reading glasses, no facial hair, and a dark patterned coat over a red, black, and tan collared shirt.
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Andy Warhol Christ the King

Andy Warhol Christ the King of Art Consuming New York City.

Capturing the compulsive jackdaw collectors-of-means.

Collectors of bright, stunning, eye magnet colors, shapes and shines.

Holding attention with layers of color, shape, personality, wigs, reputation, eye contact.

Posing high, glassy-eyed, the Mona Lisa junkie savior.

Sharing the obvious in a new found WAY:

As weeds are created by the miracle of life and are the kingdom of God, so are

Paintings of large tomato soup cans beautiful shapes, colors and ART.

Everlasting LIFE! Increasing VALUE! Buy low sell HIGH!

Andy Warhol Christ the King died so that Campbell’s tomato soup

May have ever-lasting life and collectors’ ever-rising value.

Shot by a woman but returned from the dead by modern medicine.

Showing his scar, his weak body and his shiny junkie face.

The disciples wait for Andy Warhol Christ the King’s second return from the dead.

His crown of thorns a giant blonde wig atop his shiny-skinned addict’s head.

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