Essay from Azamat Abdulatipov

Central Asian teenage boy with short dark hair, a coat, and a black backpack over a gray sweater. Leafy bush behind him.

Topic: “In New Uzbekistan, youth issues have been elevated to the level of state policy”

Author: Abdulaapipov Azamat Abdulazizovich  

Chief Leader of the Tashkent City Branch of the Organization of Children of Uzbekistan  

11th Grade Student of General Education School No. 186,

Shaykhontohur District, Tashkent City.

All over the world, youth are the continuators of all spheres of activity. Currently, the world’s population has exceeded 8 billion people, with about 20% being young people. In Uzbekistan, this figure exceeds 60%.

In 2016, an important document was signed for Uzbek youth. It was the first normative legal act signed by Shavkat Mirziyoyev as President of the Republic of Uzbekistan—the Law on State Youth Policy dated September 14, 2016. This law opened up significant opportunities for all the youth of Uzbekistan. Since more than half of the country’s population consists of young people, the consistent implementation of youth policy has become a crucial factor in Uzbekistan’s entry into the ranks of the most developed countries in the world. This is well understood by the country’s leadership and government.

When talking about attention to youth in our country, one cannot forget the figures of the Jadid movement who lived during the era of Turkestan, such as Gulom Zafarij, Munavvar-kori Abdurashidkhanov, Abdulla Qadiri, Abdurauf Fitrat, Iskhakhan Tura Ibrat, Abdulla Avloni, Abduhamid Chulpon, and Mahmukhodja Behbudi. They promoted knowledge among the youth of Turkestan. Our President speaks about these ancestors as follows:  

«The new schools, theaters, libraries, museums, newspapers, and magazines created by the Jadids, as well as charitable societies that sent children from Turkestan abroad for education, awakened our people from centuries of slumber and gave a powerful impetus to the national liberation movement,» says President Sh. Mirziyoyev.

Today, youth policy, issues concerning youth, protection of their rights and interests, and the upbringing of well-rounded, energetic young people are defined as a priority direction for all state bodies and ministries in Uzbekistan.

In Uzbekistan, based on the principle of «Youth Balance,» youth are divided into three categories: «good,» «average,» and «difficult.» It is important to note that youth from the «difficult» category do not go unnoticed. On the contrary, the state pays special attention to them, providing support and involving heads of ministries, departments, khokims (governors), and leaders of all divisions who are assigned to such young people, treating them as their own children. They listen to their problems and help resolve socio-economic issues.

To raise independent and patriotic young people who can use the internet rationally, training centers for «Digital Technologies» have been established in all regions. The state views the opportunities provided to youth and the funds allocated not as expenses but as investments in the future of the country.

In 2019, the President proposed «5 Initiatives» covering five important areas that played a significant role in the fate of youth. For example, gifted young people receive a car as a presidential prize by winning one of the contests. The implementation of these 5 initiatives marked a new milestone in the history of youth education in Uzbekistan. Additionally, young women have been given opportunities to engage in entrepreneurial activities thanks to financial resources allocated by the state, which has become another incentive for them.

At the initiative of the President, children of law enforcement officers can enter universities on state grants without entrance exams and are provided with all necessary conditions.

A fund called «Youth – Our Future» has been established to finance youth business initiatives, startups, ideas, and projects.

To support people with disabilities and low-income families in need, a system called «Unified Social Protection Registry» has been created. Additionally, «National Agency for Social Protection,» «Iron Book,» and «Women’s Book» have been introduced to address the problems faced by needy families.

Youth who are unemployed receive financial support through the «Youth Book» program to acquire desired professions. It should be noted that in the «Action Strategy» for five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan from 2017 to 2021, special attention was given to youth issues. In particular, the protection of youth rights was designated as one of the main tasks.

In Uzbekistan, youth is viewed not as a «problem» of society but as a powerful force driving the country’s development, a strategic resource for the state. As a result, today educated, progressive-thinking, principled young people are becoming an increasingly important driving force for the future of the country.

An Agency for Youth Affairs has been established in the republic to develop and implement youth policy. This agency actively works on and develops new projects and initiatives aimed at benefiting the youth. It has become a support system for young people living in the country. Today, the agency sets ambitious goals and, with the trust of the state, works at the grassroots level—in villages, towns, districts, and regions. Now, advisors to khokims and youth leaders in mahallas provide support for their development.

In the modern era, the youth of Uzbekistan can read books online, learn foreign languages remotely, and acquire professions through online courses. The Children’s Organization of Uzbekistan is engaged in activities aimed at the active participation of children in public life, despite their young age. Members of this organization, known as leaders, can hold positions at the level of class, school, district, region, city, and republic. School students can become leaders, which allows them to grow as future political figures and gain deep knowledge. Leadership is an important process. Students who go through leadership activities can occupy high state positions in the future.

On the international stage, Uzbekistan is recognized as one of the fastest-growing countries in the field of youth policy. The country has entered the top ten states participating in the implementation of the UN strategy «Youth Strategy – 2030.» Furthermore, Uzbekistan’s capital, Tashkent, has been declared the youth capital for the first time in the CIS.

Thus, the youth of New Uzbekistan continues to inherit the strength, knowledge, and initiative of their ancestors, such as the great mathematician al-Khwarizmi, scholar and engineer Ahmad al-Fergani, hadith scholar al-Bukhari, philosopher al-Farabi, encyclopedic scholar al-Biruni, physician Avicenna, poet Alisher Navoi, statesman Amir Timur, and many others. The youth of New Uzbekistan continues to strive for development and the construction of a prosperous future for the country.

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