hitting harder tonight
four hundred emails
at two in the morning
tracy chapman is
singing about shooting
me down
perhaps the alcohol
is hitting harder tonight
maybe this is the liver
saying goodbye
i have avoided a mirror
for five days in a row
i’m shooting for
a personal record
ten degrees below zero
and i’m outside in shorts
wondering where the mail
we should have new
neighbors by the spring
back at the farm
i would paint away
my frustrations on
nights like these
especially when
i lived alone
now, i scribble in a
notebook and then
struggle a few hours
later to read what the
fuck i wrote
apparently, i was
supposed to be
a doctor
another wide open three
they want a war
and i just want
to watch the game
they are worried
the country is
going to hell
i’m bummed that
this fucker just
missed another
wide open three
life is a series
of disappointments
living is how you
react to them
do they kill you
or are they simply
bumps in the road
that kind of positive
bullshit left my life
years ago
i know i am simply
moving the deck
chairs on the titanic
eventually though
the iceberg will
and that sweet
release will be
my final moment
of joy
the only way
out is death
no point in being
afraid of the only
exit in the room
from twenty feet
right cross at recess
on the basketball court
thankfully, i saw it coming
he yelled a white boy
isn’t supposed to be able
to play basketball like that
that made me laugh
i drained another shot
in his face from twenty
feet and told him to fuck off
he swung again, missed again
apparently, a teacher saw it all
and told us to go to the office
i got a warning for language
it wouldn’t be my last
he got expelled for trying
to punch me
apparently, he wasn’t satisfied
with just trying
upon getting the news, he
sprinted to the class i was in,
saw me at my desk and clocked
me in the head
the teacher got him before he
could land another one
later told me i should have
seen it coming
i told her i’m a lover, not a fighter
of course, she was a lesbian
a cold winter day
hardened eyes squinting
in the soft sunshine of
a cold winter day
once in love with a world
of fresh tomorrows
passion has lost its way
we are nothing but a
series of moments
up, down, lost, forgotten
prescribed to death
there is no point to
any of it anymore
find your hole
stock your bunker
brace for impact
this is what they wanted
so let them have it
let them discover the bliss
that comes with ignorance
most of us have already
seen this movie
know the ending
know the pain, the suffering
being robbed of any joy
that is left to embrace
one night in boston
may all of our deaths
be as instant as an
overtime loss in
over with before you
can even think about
what just happened
i think i would prefer
that to this long, drawn
out slow drip
as death is like
watching paint