Poetry from Kamilla W. Boegedal


Cosmos thoughts

I want to be one with the cosmos

I want to know the rules

I want to be Someone who can see

The miracles between us

I want the Universe

Under my skin and bones

I want the Stars In my arms

Relieved of this curse

May the evanescence

Of my being

Be the beginning of something great

May my lack of insight

Be knowledge to other’s hindsight

And may I be one with the cosmos

Tree-years birthday

When I was tree

I was bark

I was the Wind fondling leaves

When I was tree

I was tall

I was the ants craving heights

I was sap, water, dirt and heart

I was everything and not apart

I was one with all and all in one

The most living creature on Earth

Waiting for Godot

Sometimes I wait for Godot

It takes a little weight of

Living. Living.


Then I start to wonder

Is there ever anything yonder?

Living. Living.



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