Aphorisms from Yahia Lababidi

Cover of Yahia Lababidi's book. Front has his title in yellow and gold and a photo of his face. Back is in green with white text and a quote from Naomi Shihab Nye.

Is it possible to master words? 

Yes, in silence. 

The best protection against life’s corrupting  experiences is innocence. 

Loneliness is the price we pay  

for not embracing aloneness. 

Those for whom the natural is extraordinary tend to find the extraordinary natural.

The problem with celebrity culture is that the 

superficial external lives of strangers concern 

us more than our own profound inner life. 

There are many ways to donate blood: writing is one. 

Words of wisdom are not stolen, they are borrowed, until we make them our own.

Yahia Lababidi’s new book What Remains to be Said is available here from Waterstones and contains a fuller collection of his aphorisms.