The Great Disco Ball of Berghain, Berlin, GermanyThe Great Disco Ball of Shoom, London, UKThe Great Disco Ball of Space, IbizaThe Great Disco Ball of the Limelight, New York City, NY, USAThe Great Disco Balls #2
"My disco ball series is inspired by Andy Warhol’s painting/wood cut of Marilyn Monroe Andy Warhol Marilyn Monroe ( Like Andy, I created four separate disco ball images and then in a new image combined all four images. I chose the background to have a contrasting color to the central disco ball. I find contrasting colors by using the color wheel and doing a google search “what is the opposite of a color (e.g., blue)." To place the disco ball in the center of the page, I used Canva, editing the disco ball image to be aligned to the center. The works were named by concatenating the prefix “The Great Disco Ball of” with the suffix from the google search, “what were the most famous discotheques?” and picking among the top 20 that were in different continents."